
Hey everyone!
          	Sorry for being dead, I've had health struggles for the last few months so it's been kinda difficult but here I am again with a new chapter.
          	Hopefully it's good. 


Oh boy it's been a while.
          I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I've just had a lot of stuff happening since my last update.
          One such reason is that I'm currently studying towards a degree in Creative Writing. I have my work cut out for me with all of the preparation and then actually starting the course, that it's been difficult for me to stay afloat on writing on here and for AO3. I'm still working on updating chapters 3-5 in my current writing style, as back then, I didn't really have much direction, but now it seems to have flow to it.
          I'm also working on the latest chapter between assignments too, which is easier said than done, as I never leave footnotes for me to follow if I've been on a break for a while, so there's a lot of searching back through my previous chapters for context, and when the whole document has about 77k words, it's not easy.
          The book is not cancelled or anything, I do genuinely want to finish it as it's the one thing I've actually set in stone, I know exactly what I want to happen and thankfully, nobody seems to have caught on to what I'm gearing up for so far.
          I'm sorry for having made you all wait for so long, but I will genuinely try my best to get this finished, though there are still a lot of chapters left to write.
          I'll see if I can finish the main story first now, as my filler chapters aren't all too important to the overarching story. It's just a matter of filling in the blanks and so forth, as writing dialogue isn't too difficult for me, it's more about painting the scene in a way that's not overly descriptive, but will help you picture what's happening in your head.


@Popetto-P Take your time! We understand that life gets crazy. I'm excited to see where the story goes, I have my own theories as what's going to happen. Take care of yourself!


@Popetto-P Also, I often write my notes here instead of updating the books because I don't want to disrupt the flow of the books and break immersion.
            I still think it would be fun to rewrite the Adachi book one day too because looking back, you could definitely tell I wasn't an experienced writer of sorts.


So, a slightly small update:
          As I do intend on posting this up onto AO3 as well (As soon as I get my invitation), I'm rewriting a few of the first chapters so that they're more in line to my current writing style and quality. Every time I scroll through my word document and see the first chapter is only 3 pages long, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It also fools people into thinking the next chapters might now be so long, when they, unfortunately, are.
          Anyways, I have updated and reworked chapter 1 of this fanfiction. It adds a few new things here and there as well as expanding on a few other things. I hope to do this with a few more chapters too before I'm completely happy with the quality.
          That might also mean there will be more updates as we go by, as I'll be working on this a bit more in my spare time!
          I really hope you all enjoy where this book is heading and my plans for it!
          Thank you all for sticking around!


Hey all (again),
          Hope you're all doing fantastically recently.
          Just as a heads up:
          I might post my fanfics on AO3 as well soon, I won't be migrating over there, I'll still be posting on here as well, I just like the idea of sharing my work there as well.
          I probably won't post my Adachi fanfic in it's current state as I re-read it recently and I feel that it requires some improvement. (As do the beginning chapters of my current Akechi fanfic, but those can probably be edited much easier and better at the moment, since I've lost the original file for the Adachi fanfic).
          Anyways, thought I would give you all a heads up in that I might cross post, just so that you're not concerned about my works being republished by someone else. (If you do see it happening though, please let me know).


Hello again everyone!
          I bring good news, I've just updated my book! The new chapter is about 7.5k words, so it might take a while to read through it. I really hope you all enjoy it, as this is when stuff starts to get serious (apart from the intermission chapters).
          Also, I really hope I can get back fully into the ring of writing soon, but I've had a lot of stuff happen recently that it's been so hard to keep up with things. Hopefully I can shorten the gaps on uploads soon since I don't want to keep you all waiting. I did start this book nearly 3 years ago now, which is absolutely insane to think about. Thank you all for staying over those years!
          Anyways, yes. I hope to keep updating this until the end.


Hi everyone, hoping you're all well as per usual!
          Sorry for the radio silence, I've been so busy with so many different things and life has been incredibly stressful again at the moment. It doesn't help matters that we're now in Spring and my allergies are in full swing again (complete with the watery eyes, congested nose and the rough throat). In regards to writing, I still have the basis of everything laid out and written in my word document, but unfortunately my word key has expired atm so I'll need to figure that out before I can write again. 
          Hopefully I can get to writing again soon, and I'm really sorry I haven't said anything sooner, but so much has been happening that it's hard to keep track of what I have and haven't done.
          Thanks, and hopefully I can come out with something at some point.


          I'm so sorry for not posting the christmas themed chapter around the time I promised, I just got caught up in so many other things that I didn't have the time to sit down and continue writing. Thankfully it's up now, please enjoy even though it's a month late.
          Hopefully your New Year has been good so far and 2023 is treating you all well. I'll try my best to get a new main story chapter written up soon since I feel I'm very slow when it comes to uploads and it doesn't feel fair to keep you all waiting.
          Stay well and safe everyone!


@THIGH_WhORE Thank you! I hope your 2023 will be great for you too. Hopefully I can upload more than I did last year.


@Popetto-P Don't worry about it for being late! Happy belated new year and I hope wonderful things happen in 2023 for you. As always take your time, we understand. Take care!


Merry Christmas everyone!
          I have been working on a new Christmas themed chapter but I've had a lot of appointments stopping me from writing as well as being ill again, so hopefully, I can get it out for you all by the New Year.
          Have a happy holidays everyone and hopefully see you all in the new year.


@Popetto-P  Take your time! I hope  despite having the appointments that you had a nice holiday. I send support for you. Take care of yourself get enough water, eat enough and get some sleep. Happy holidays and I hope you have good New Year!<3


Hi everyone, sorry about having disappeared for a long time. It's been pretty hectic and non stop for me lately. I've been ill but also had way too many things going.
          In terms of the fiction I'm working on, I've made my life a little easier and finally written down the parameters for each future chapter, it feels good to finally have it all broken down into chapters, I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. There will be at least 16 more chapters in the main story, not including my little intermission chapters. I'm hoping that I'll soon have a few days to myself where I can get back into writing for you all, since I feel bad for not updating the book in nearly 6 months.
          It's been a constant flow f appointments, meetings and check ups. A lot of which have been early starts, especially concerning my nocturnal sleep schedule, which has made writing difficult for me as my eyes just won't focus. Hopefully soon though I'll have some free weeks so I can just write.
          Thanks again for reading my works, hopefully soon I'll have a new chapter written.


@THIGH_WhORE Thank you. I'm trying to get a doctor's appointment soon but all they have seems to be far off. I do feel bad about the slow updates though, hopefully I can pick up the pace soon.


@Popetto-P  Its okay please take your time your health is way more important than my entertainment. I hope you get better soon!


Hi all, hopefully you've all been keeping well whilst I've been gone.
          Sorry for disappearing for 2 months without any notice, I am still alive and everything, but I've been dead mentally because of the amount of stuff that's been going on and with all these heatwaves.
          I've had way too many appointments and meetings for my liking, and I've barely had any time for myself in the last few months, what time I have had is trying to relax and do nothing to try and get some energy back.
          The weather hasn't helped since we've had some really difficult heatwaves where I live, none of us own air conditioning and since I live in a country where it's usually relatively cold, the houses are designed to keep the heat inside rather than let air circulate. It's honestly been a hellish month and I hope it will end soon. We've officially been classes as having a drought in our area now so that doesn't help.
          Hopefully once my schedule is a little less chaotic and the weather cools off, I might get to work on a new chapter, but as it is at the moment, my brain is overheating to a point where it's non functional.
          That's pretty much it update wise, I really hope I can get back to writing soon as I do miss being in the flow.
          Stay well!