
I am excited to say that I am starting a new book. It is unlike anything that I've ever posted on here before, besides Hole in the a Fence or Coffee Girl. Which, with both of these, I have taken these off. I just couldn't find the inspiration to write them. I'm keeping a few books up, my most popular ones, but I have to say, don't expect much Fanfiction from me for a while. I've got some new ideas, and I can't wait to share them with you guys! :)


Hello, I was wondering if you can take a look at my SPN fanfic and give some tips and/or your opinion on it? I would really appreciate it. 


Hello! I'd love to take a look at your story. I have a break from school coming up next week, so I'll try to look at it then :)


I am excited to say that I am starting a new book. It is unlike anything that I've ever posted on here before, besides Hole in the a Fence or Coffee Girl. Which, with both of these, I have taken these off. I just couldn't find the inspiration to write them. I'm keeping a few books up, my most popular ones, but I have to say, don't expect much Fanfiction from me for a while. I've got some new ideas, and I can't wait to share them with you guys! :)


You are an amazing writer. I was wondering if you could look at my SPN fanfic and give me some tips or your opinion? I understand if you can't and that's ok. (I love your bio or whatever it's called.)


First off, thank you and thank you! And I can certainly read through the first chapter or two and give you some tips


Chapter 2 of "Hole in the Fence" is up! 
          In other news, I'd like to apologize for the long wait on the update for "Fighting Back". I've been incredibly busy this summer, and now the days are boiling down and school is around the corner in a mere 2 days for me. Once school is started, I will get a schedule written out for myself so I can have scheduled writing time so I can have more frequent updates. I apologize if I don't update a lot these next few weeks- this is my first year of high school, so it'll take some adjusting getting used to a new place. 
          I have lost inspiration to write "Normal" and "the Blessed Curse," so if you guys really want to see them continue, I need to know. I can still write them if you guys really love then, but unfortunately, I just don't feel the same inspiration to write them anymore. 
          Tell me what you guys think! Xoxo.


Hey everyone!
          So I've got some kind of big news....
          I've entered "Fighting Through it All" in the Watty Awards! So, if you are reading or have read it, and find it to be a fairly okay story with a slightly enticing plot line and moderate writing, then you should go ahead and give it a vote. Can you imagine if it won?! 
          That's all I had to say. Thanks!