
So, I just got notified that it announced I reuploaded the thanksgiving from, well, thanksgiving... and uh. I don't remember unpublishing it, so there's that ig. insane ramblings
          	I'll go back to my basement, bye bye :3c


So, I just got notified that it announced I reuploaded the thanksgiving from, well, thanksgiving... and uh. I don't remember unpublishing it, so there's that ig. insane ramblings
          I'll go back to my basement, bye bye :3c


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Something I find rather funny is that some writers just straight up abandon/neglect books (not pointing fingers) that aren't even that bad. I mean, yeah, motivation is always a big factor when it comes to writing, but man.
          Although, I will say that stories that have that one lazy main character is, for me, pretty funny. Or even just a comic relief. Especially if that character happens to be a Jolteon since they're meant to be the electric type eeveelution and electricity tends to move fricken fast (feeding into stereotypes but still, it makes the story, for me, funny).
          Thanks for reading the random bullshit I decided to announce today. I don't know when I feel like being a little bugger, so there's that.
          Have a good day/night <3


@LoafTheProtogen it was too draining to maintain and every time I looked back at it I lost the motivation to keep it going because of how much I hated it


@rxidxnnn it absolutely applies, you didn’t even let it bloom. You watched the stem of a possibly beautiful flower grow to a bulb, then doused it in weed killer


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Looking at the music I used to listen to while I wrote compared to now is quite the fucking experience, I will say. It's like listening to a storm from inside your house compared to being outside in different woodland storms. More panic and worry but it's actually exhilarating.


Hey! It's been a hot minute since I've made an announcement here. I don't have much to say rn, only just I want to say sorry for my latest absences between each chapter. Writing for me has started to feel a lot more like a job that isn't something I want to stay in. What started out as a passion project has only turned into something I dread doing. I've only been writing whenever I actually feel like I want to, thus explaining the delay between chapters. The motivation and passion I once had for GaRA and DTD, it's been fading rapidly and I don't want that deterioration to fade into my work.
          TL:DR; writing isn't as fun as it used to be and chapters aren't getting put out as much as they used to.
          Sorry for the rant but I felt like you guys and gals shouldn't be left waiting for too long without a chapter and a valid reason for my absence.
          Have a good day/night!


I'm going to put Down The Drain on hiatus for now since I need to plan some more things out and given that the chapters long to write.
          In addition to this, I'll try and lock in on Get a Room Already. So expect a flow of chapters coming within the next week or so.
          Anyway, have a good day/night c:


I'm about to go with a complete overhaul with rewriting GaRA so I have all the chapters updated by Christmas. (Hopefully)
          So yah! There's that to look forward to.


@rxidxnnn literally everything is rewritten, but the lemon (which I still need to read) stays exactly as it is now


@LoafTheProtogen what did you have in mind 


I forgot to post this announcement earlier.. eh.
          We recently hit 5k reads on GaRA and I want to thank you guys and gals so much for reading that book, and I want to give something back to you guys. You can post something under this announcement and I'll write a 5k read special and try to incorporate that idea into said special. I'm hope you can participate with this as this is a big milestone for a rather crappy book!
          Thanks for read this <3


I'm going to be rewriting roughly the first 15-ish chapters of GaRA (Get a Room Already!). The story won't change much from how it originally was, it's more for ease on the eyes and so it'll be easier to read and look at. The story might change up just a little, but it shouldn't change much from the original story. (I'm also saying roughly because I'm going until I spaced out the dialog enough so you know when and who's talking)
          Also a quick update on DTD (Down The Drain): This week, I plan for the next 2 or 3 chapters to be out for this story. A quick rundown of the POV's would start off with Chapter 3 in Nitro's pov. Following up with Chapter 4 in Mystic' pov. Ending the week off with Chapter 5 in Neon's pov.


And for the qna book. I don't have enough questions


I'm planning a qna book, so I'm obviously going to need questions. Although, I should mention that it'll be animated with my voice and everything so.. yeah.. anyway. I'll make a whole book for it.
          Also send the questions right here, I'll write them down somewhere. I'll try not to have any duplicate or miss any questions.


@Potati174 How did ye get into writing fanfics?


I should also add that these questions could be about me or my stories. Hell, maybe even both