
this message may be offensive
Shit just got real!!! I AM FREAKING IN LOVE!!! I have never ever felt that thing before, not even to my beloved idols!!! Sure I love them, but not like this kid of feeling!!! I'm scared :(


So, I'll be ordering my stories to k ow which I think of and write first...
          So these are the sequence!!
          • Stockholm Syndrome
          • Heartbreak Girl
          • Niall Horan Got Me Pregnant
          • Black Magic
          • Mr. Almost
          Thank You!


@PotatoPenguinLizard you post like alot yet no-one replies you but you just keep on posting. Love the Enthusiasm. 


@PotatoPenguinLizard I meant • Photograph instead of Mr. Almost (i just interchanged my stories! this happens when you have to much accounts)


To all who are following me, this is a message for y'all :)
          Hi! I am a 15 year old teen, who is struggling to do great in school. Well, not that too much of a struggle... But, anyways. I created this account like many years ago and yet I have not finished writing my drafted stories. I am not assuming that all of my followers actually read my stories because these stories are childish...
          That is why, I have not yet found the right 'inspiration' to write such good stories like the ones here in wattpad and my mind is not that wide yet...
          The best stories are written by the authors, because they've found their inspiration or they have experienced many things in life.
          So, in order for me to write better stories, first I need to find the perfect inspiration. and experience and a little bit of discouragement..
          So I'm sorry if my stories are in your library and I haven't even updated even a single one of it...
          Many thanks from me to you!!
          I'm getting emo here and being overly dramatic!!


@PotatoPenguinLizard Now that's interesting. The pic on my profile usually tells you however I'm feeling. A mean if I had gum I would do that exact same face right now. 