(Umm...I'm not really good at these "introduction" things...but here goes)

(edit: this is so cringe but i'm too lazy to change it)

I like hedgehogs, potatoes, and the color lavender. I like reading (obviously, why else would I be here?) and crafting (e.g. sewing, needle felting, jewelry making, etc.). My favorite school subjects are math and science, and I despise gym with a passion.

My OTPs are Solangelo, Percabeth, and Malec, just to name a few. That also tells you some of my favorite book series: PJO/HOO, TMI/TID, as well as many others.

Also--the story behind my username: When I was in eighth grade, I became obsessed with potatoes (I can't remember why, and it wasn't just because they're tasty) and the only word I would say would be "Potato!". I drew potatoes (see my profile pic for one), made up my own language of "Potatoese" (which constituted a single word [what do you think?] with varying voices), along with many other weird things. (Of course, I only did this around my close friends, otherwise, I'm not sure what would've happened...)
  • JoinedJune 20, 2017