
Hello my loves!
          	Chapter 20 is out on my book Up In Flames!


Hey guys! So, I plan on taking the first book I wrote down, and completely rewriting it because I have been getting a lot of complaints about it going to fast, but keep in mind, that was 5 years ago, which made me 14 so I didn't have a whole lot of knowledge. I plan on using the suggestions from your comments and fixing things up!!


Hey guys! So I know I'm slow updating my Harry Potter series, but I want to know if there are any other book series you guys want me to start. Hmu with ideas please. 


@anmarauder I like all of those! Maybe I will do one! Thank you!


@Potterhead0227 maybe do a fantastic beats fanfic! or write a Narnia fanfic! there's a very limited amount of those! or have you read percy jackson? write one of those! i love percy jackson!