
I’m bored and tired  
          	Probably won’t remember writing this In the first place when I wake up in the morning 
          	Does anyone have ideas on what I can draw


this message may be offensive
          Sooooo onto my au idea.. they are roommates.
          Tae and.. jungkook [or whoever you ship him with] are both in denial about each other. They get the hanahaki disease and tae deals with it by writing in a note book. He comes up with poems but of course it doesn’t sooth the pain of the flowers.
          Jungkook is reckless all the time and gets into trouble often.
          Since they’re both not complete dumbasses and know they’ll die if this continues. So they start to date other people [insert your side ships, ngl I’m a hoe for taegi]. 
          They move out of they shared apartment and go with their new partners.
          The flowers start to go away but never completely. It’s just one tiny bud that sits at the bottom of their lungs and it never leaves. 
          Tae gets frustrated and starts to writes in his book after not using it for a while. Jungkook visits tae and goes snooping around [like a curious Bitch he is] in tae’s rooms. He ends up finding the note book reading through the whole thing. All that he knows is that it belongs to tae and the date each poem was made. [tae wasn’t stupid enough to write the other’s name] As he was going to the end he saw a full beautiful flower [which ever one you prefer] taped flat on the hard cover of the book. Jungkook noticed the reddish tint to it and the dried blood. But what really confused jungkook was that he has seen this flower before. 
          It was when they still shared a apartment together. Jungkook has seen it was tae was leaving the bathroom and had looked pale and sickly. He had try to ask tae if he was of but the older had brushed him off. 
          Jungkook has made a connection ‘what if this was because of me..’ he kept thinking. He wanted to brush it off cause ‘that could never be the case’. But him being a hardheaded dumbass he decided to confront tae about it. 
          And then I’ll let your imagination finish what   happens next because this could be an angst story and not those happy endings .


An au where the hanahaki disease isn’t from real unrequited love. It actually matters on the person who has fallen in love. 
          For example person A is in denial that person B doesn’t like them therefor person A gets the hanahaki disease. 
          And if person A is not in denial they wont get it but if they aren’t in denial but they KNOW KNOW that person B doesn’t like them they will get it.
          [Btw the surgery doesn’t exist in this world]