
Thanks so much for the follow and for adding Wolf & Witch to your reading list!!


TT A TT  ❤️❤️ Thank you so much!!! It really means a ton to hear that, especially since it’s taken us longer lately to reply to comments! We still read all of them and it makes us super happy to know how y’all are feeling about our stories! ^^


@HicksScribbles I absolutely love this set of stories. It's so well written. Despite all the relationship issues and tension between everyone wanting everyone. It's still such a good read and it keeps the ships flowing where with most things it's rare to see the people we ship in action. So that is definitely a pleasant thing to read. Another thing is I love how interactive you both are in the comments. The way at least one of you is commenting and interacting with us readers. That literally means so much to me. Like it's hard to find writers who actually talk to us. Like I know how busy people get and how many struggles there are in the world. Just I don't know. Makes the reading experience more personal I guess you could say like not only do we have a connection with the characters and some of their situations but also we have a connection with y'all too. Keep up the good work!!! I'm thoroughly enjoying this ✨❤️✨


Thank you for the comments as well!! <3