
Hello all, Prince here~! ❤️
          	I'm so excited to announced that the first ✨10 Chapters✨ of my new book Love In All Colors is now available to read!!!
          	I'm so excited to share this new work of art with everyone, as it is a new mature story to be told from two different perspectives within the same world so please give it a try! ❤️
          	Please be not be afraid to leave a comment and tell me how you like it, your favorite or hated parts, your favorite and hated characters, I would love to hear it all from you! ❤️
          	Also, I'd like to let you all know that ✨Best Kept Secret✨ will be wrapping up soon so please look forward to the epic conclusion of that novel as well!!
          	I'm so excited, I can't wait to go on this journey with you all!! ❤️
          	Once again, thank you so much for all of your support and I hope you continue it with me into the new year. It's going to be a blast!! ✨✨
          	See you all next time! ❤️
          	Love Always,
          	~Prince ❤️




Hello all, Prince here~! ❤️
          I'm so excited to announced that the first ✨10 Chapters✨ of my new book Love In All Colors is now available to read!!!
          I'm so excited to share this new work of art with everyone, as it is a new mature story to be told from two different perspectives within the same world so please give it a try! ❤️
          Please be not be afraid to leave a comment and tell me how you like it, your favorite or hated parts, your favorite and hated characters, I would love to hear it all from you! ❤️
          Also, I'd like to let you all know that ✨Best Kept Secret✨ will be wrapping up soon so please look forward to the epic conclusion of that novel as well!!
          I'm so excited, I can't wait to go on this journey with you all!! ❤️
          Once again, thank you so much for all of your support and I hope you continue it with me into the new year. It's going to be a blast!! ✨✨
          See you all next time! ❤️
          Love Always,
          ~Prince ❤️




Hello everyone, Prince here~! ❤️
          First, I want to give a shoutout to everyone who's been supporting my books. Those of you who's been patiently awaiting updates, those of you who vote on chapters, and those of you who leave the best comments. I cannot thank you all enough from the bottom of my heart. You all are my motivation to keep writing during difficult times and I hope I'm doing you all proud ❤️
          Secondly, as you all know, the holidays are coming up! In this season of gift giving, I've planned to drop a new book I've been working on. In order to celebrate my (consistent) comeback, I'll be posting the first ✨10 CHAPTERS✨ of a new novel very soon ❤️
          I've decided to take my writing in a new direction and focus more on diversity mixed with real life issues rather than high school boys trying to find love. I write about what I care about and what relates to me, so after being on Wattpad for more than ✨7 YEARS✨ I think it's time for me to be more serious with my work ❤️
          And Lastly, I wanted to address something a comment pointed out in my very first novel, Closeted. Closeted, in total, is a 6 year old novel. It is the second book I ✨EVER✨ wrote on Wattpad and the first I ever finished. I am not proud of its work or the representation throughout the book. The lack of diversity in characters is an was an oversight in my immature mind and for that, I apologize. From each story from now on forward, I commit to having characters of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Representation matters in the media and we as creators have a responsibility to make sure we accurately represent the world we're living in and want to write ❤️
          So with that being said, thank you all so much for all the support over these 7 years and I can't wait to experience so much more with you all. Whether you follow me, read my stories or not: ✨I LOVE YOU!!✨
          Remember to be great, to be kind, and to always be ✨YOU!✨
          I will see you all on the next update!
          Love Always,
          ~Prince ❤️


Hello everyone, Prince here!
          I just wanted to announce that today is my birthday  and I’m so grateful for all the love and support everyone has shown my books over my journey on Wattpad ❤️ I’m so very thankful and honored you all chose me to be one of the people you’ve opened your hearts and minds to.
          There’s honestly no way for me to repay any of you enough! ✨
          I hope everyone has a beautiful day today and I will see you all with my next update!
          Remember to stay safe out there and to always remember that you are loved. No matter what! ❤️


@PrinceofSerenity our birthdays are one day away mines the 13th!


@PrinceofSerenity happy birthday❤️


Hey all! It’s me. Ya boi. Prince~
          I just wanted to say that if you guys haven’t checked out my latest book “Best Kept Secret”, I highly recommend you do so. Not only is it my best work to date so far, but I’m actually kind of proud of it! So go read it, comment, vote, and share and let me know what you think!
          Stay awesome, stay safe, and stay beautiful everyone~
          ~Prince ❤️


Uh, hello there!
          Prince dude.
          So I just wanted to say, that when I first saw you, I genuinely thought you would be everything other the sun and have millions of followers. I didn't indulge the thoughts, I just kinda checked to see if I was right. You may be everything other the sun, but you don't seem to be to popular. (That's kind of a relief, usually popular people can get kinda...Mean?)
          I think I've seen your face before though. What movies are you playing in? Or even shows.
          I hope to explore them to see how well you act!
          Anyway I'm sorry-
          I'm just another random account not looking to make it necessarily big thanks to this app, it's kind of more of me trying to make friends and have fun along the way.
          Good luck in your future endeavors, I hope!


Happy quarantine, all! Prince here!
          I hope everyone is doing okay in the world. There seems to be so much unrest going on. From COVID-19 to the events unfolding in Minneapolis, it feels like the world is spinning out of control. During this time, I wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ll be rolling out some new content within the next week and I hope you guys will enjoy! I’m not gonna say what exactly just yet, but be sure to keep an eye out for everything I’ll be doing!
          I also wanted to say that my inbox is always open in case anyone needed someone to talk to. Feel free to stop by anytime!
          Take care of yourselves, everyone. Be kind and be you. You are loved and I’ll see you all in the near future!
          ~Prince ❤️


Hey, can i just request that instead of a sequel, can you just do bonus chapters of the future for Liam and Gabriel and how they meet and are happily together. 


ofc i will be there for the journey


Hey, thank you for reading! I do have plans for Closeted, but I can’t say anything just yet. But hopefully you’ll be along for the journey wherever it’ll take us!


Hello all, Prince here.
          Due to COVID-19 and cancellation of schools, I have been without internet for the past week! It sucks because I have been preparing to launch a new book for all of us to enjoy while we are in quarantine, but alas, life decided to go a different route for us all. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up in case no one heard from me in a while. Everyone, stay safe, keep your hands washed, and I’ll see you all in the near future. I love you all!
          ~Prince ❤️