
Tumbleweeds, listen up!
          	*clears throat dramatically*
          	That is all. Carry on.


Crash queens, motorbabies, I am not dead and dusted just yet. So if y' want some more writing, then ya better get to yelling at me about it! Coz I am a lazy old killjoy and need prompting to be pulled away from my Radiohead to be bothered to type something up. 
          That's all.


Hello all, just came to apologize for the lack of updates and writing. I've been really busy, as per usual around the holiday season, and have no real excuse as to why I haven't done much on here recently except for, oh yeah, having a life. I had something to put up last weekend, but was camping (that'll be up in Insert Title Here) and then am dropping off the grid for the holidays, so maybe I'll try to put up a short story or something, but don't expect anything much for PYP or ITH. 
          Merry Christmas and happy holidays, as well as a wonderful new year wherever and whoever you are from Professor Doom!


Hey, thanks for voting on Part of Your World. It means a lot, so thanks 


Are you talking to me? If so, then it probably would have been easier to post on my own feed ha


It's true. I'm on the squad list. Lol


Alright, just putting this out there coz I'm bored, if anyone can figure out the movie reference in my username (not including you, @fionam17. You already know. Plus you're already in about three of my stories), then you get a name of your choice—it could be your name, an Internet handel, a nickname or the name of a friend (or enemy, if you have on)—put into one of my stories. Message your answers to me, and if you get it right I'll let you know. 
          You also have to be able to tell me three of the names of  the main character.


Same thing goes if anyone gets 24601, answer who the Inspector is. Forgot to mention earlier, you get a small part in choosing who your character is—protagonist, antagonist, sidekick, hench(wo)man, all those lovely things. 
            Last thing, go check out @SunRayForever because Sunshine has an awesome story up that is totally worth reading!
            Professor D




Ok, so you guys know the times when you get this big assignment and have about a month to work on it, and then just leave it alone. And then the day before it's due you realize, and you spend all night and most of your morning scrambling to finish it? And then the teacher says that you're not going to be docked marks if you haven't handed it in yet. Yeah, that was me. So you had all better love me for taking a break there to post two scenes. 
          -Prof Doom


Oh. My. God. Are you my Kerrbear? I'm pretty sure you are because you brought Lazr up and you said 'Darlin you'll be ok' to unless you're a complete other person who made up a character named Lazr and calls me Darlin, YOU ARE MY KERRBEAR!
          (And if you aren't I'm so so so so so sorry...plz don't unfollow me :3)