
Hi there, I've decided to make a new account which will be @ProphecyScribe. I'll upload some of my stories there eventually. So see ya!


Idk if anyone will ever see this, but this is the new account! I can't check this one anymore as there isn't an email address attached to it and I usually forget it exists oof. Stories from this account (Prophecy_Scribe) won't be transferred to the one I'm using now... But there might be one or two things cropping up in the future of my current acc sometime.
          So, uh, yeah just thought I'd mention that after over a year or however long it's been of nothing lmao. Though it's not like anyone will see this >_<
          Hope that you, if anyone is reading, have a nice day wherever you are


I noticed you like Warhammer 40k. (I'm going through my follower list XD) I've got two 40k stories up: one's 'The Son's of Fenris,' about the Space Wolves. The other one's 'Blood and Blades,' about the Blood Angels, though I'm not working on it yet.
          I apologize for any inconvenience XD.


No worries, I understand all too well. 


@Eirik_Long-Winter No worries, I'll be sure to give them a read. Sorry about not replying sooner, I've only just managed to get some data. 