
Hey all! Like I said on the Ao3 version of YFMTS Continued, I'm officially back! I still have a bit of writers block, but my break really helped me gather my thoughts. I cannot write today as I have plans with some friends, but the next story will be out this coming week! Thank you everyone for your patience!


Wait, you're like the irl Benatar...


@PsychedDragons I've noticed XD 
            But please tell me you're blonde... Please... PLEASE I'M DESPERATE-


@AlexNerrow We all have a little bit of Ben in our hearts 


@PsychedDragons Now that I think of it, every British person I've met is the irl version of Ben lol 


Hey all! Like I said on the Ao3 version of YFMTS Continued, I'm officially back! I still have a bit of writers block, but my break really helped me gather my thoughts. I cannot write today as I have plans with some friends, but the next story will be out this coming week! Thank you everyone for your patience!


Hey everyone! I think I'll try writing some more starting Sunday! I have to finish out my work week and I have plans on Saturday, so Sunday would be the first day I can begin writing again! I'm not for sure if I'll come back on Sunday, but I expect to be back super soon as I feel like writing again! :) 


Hey! The story isn't going to come out today, as stated in my last post, I'm very drained/exhausted and my mental health could be better. The story should be here soon, but I don't want to give an exact date because I don't want to create more deadlines for myself. I hope you all have a good day [currently night for me lmao], and if anyone has questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them :) !! The story is not ending, I just need a bit of a mental break !!


@PsychedDragons Aw, take your time :) <33


Heya! Next chapter will be out soon! Just a heads up, I'll be updating the book at a slower pace as I feel extremely burnt out from work/writing/etc, and writing has begun feeling like a chore when I wanted it to be fun. I'll get back into the groove of things soon, but just expect slower updates for the foreseeable future ^^


Currently 4,000 words [exactly!] into the story, and I'm about halfway done! It'll take a while to finish, so I think the story will probably come out on Friday instead of today. I'll probably do some writing tomorrow on my birthday because I'm really invested in this story!


Little spoiler for the next story: It's about Puff, Deejay, and Axel going to Club Convulsion and trying to see if they can replicate what happened the first time they went there. Its a bit more lore heavy and it explores some of their more traumatic moments in their life. It also goes deeper into how Benatar feels about everything going on with the band at its current stage and his relationships with his bandmembers, especially his newfound friendship with Axel. This is probably going to be the longest story yet, I'm already 2k words in [usual lengths of the stories] and I'm not even 1/3 of the way done!