
I published chapter 23 of Star Dagon. Then tried republishing it. And I still can’t get it to appear. 
          	I have no idea what happened or how to fix it. 


It’s the Star Dragon curse!


Not even publishing the next chapter fixed it!!!
          	  Sigh. I guess I just have to wait for Glitchpad to fix itself 


I published chapter 23 of Star Dagon. Then tried republishing it. And I still can’t get it to appear. 
          I have no idea what happened or how to fix it. 


It’s the Star Dragon curse!


Not even publishing the next chapter fixed it!!!
            Sigh. I guess I just have to wait for Glitchpad to fix itself 


I’m thinking of doing a lore dump to celebrate the completion of The Liveship Paragon. 
          What topics would you like to see? 
          It can be anything, from the fabled Sourcelands, somewhere that you noticed on the map, or something like a specific species like Dragoo, Stellans, or Humans in the world of Majaki. 
          Maybe you want more information on Lihania and Darhania, or even something as broad as the origin of magic on the planet. Heck, I could write a lot on dragons alone. You name it, I could probably write at least a bit on the subject. 
          I’m interested in seeing what has captured y’all’s imaginations and gave you the itch for more knowledge! 
          I may not write about all the suggestions y’all offer, but I’ll try to have at least something to say! (I have to keep some surprises) 


@ PsychicNature  I might be a "little" late, but I'm curious to know why some countries banned magic. That, and how the dark lord of "Star Dragon" came to be. Finally, what happened to Celia, Verbena, Irin and Xan after the events of "Dawn's Light"?


Good news! 
          I have the next three chapters for “The Liveship Paragon” ready, so I’m going to update weekly again! Taking a vacation really helped, because I could write the several hours I had both on a plane and in layover. 
          (This is especially good because we’re almost at the climax, and let me just say, Chapter 44 is a doozy! *devious grin*)


Would any of y’all like it if I made a book for Art, Updates, and Random story-related things? 
          That way y’all can see the status of my books, as well as random art I make, see worldbuilding stuff, and maybe even an “ask the characters section?” I don’t know about that one, but it seems like it might be fun.


@PsychicNature definitely! It'd be a good way to help stay in more frequent contact with you, as there's not much time to get involved with whole plots of books in my schedule at the moment. I'd love to see that!


I sent an angel to watch over you last night but it came back, I asked
           The angel said, "Angels don't watch over other Angels." 
          Twenty Angels are in your world, ten are sleeping, nine of them are playing and one is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some days, it's over and a blessing is coming your way. 
          If you believe in good luck, send this to 14 friends including me, if I don't get one back I'm not one of them. :) 
          As soon as you get five replies someone you love will quietly surprise you... not joking.
           Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. 
          Good fortune is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe karma, drop everything and pass this on. 
          Tomorrow will be the best day of your life, don't break this. Send this to 14 friends in 10 minutes, it's not that hard. Whoever else sends this to you, must care about you.


Hi PsychicNature, I know you're really busy, but you haven't been on at all for a while, how you doing? :)


I’m fine, I was going to get the chapter published today, it’s almost done, and then I slept in and spent 4 hours on a single homework and had another lecture posted that I need to get done before one of my three tests on Monday. I plan on finishing the chapter up and posting it tomorrow. 
            I’m kinda sad my regular update streak was shattered after I was so busy with work and housework that I blew through my 6 chapter head start. 