
Dont try to pretty. Don't try to be perfect. Don't try to be cool. Don't try to be anything. Let go of it all. Let the weight of the expectations fall off your shoulders. Stop holding up the world. Let it fall and live in your own world. Life will always be miserable. Accept it. Now stop caring. Now love the hell out of life while you live it. You don't owe anyone anything. You have the absolute freedom and ability to be yourself. You can be crazy, you can be weird. You can be shy and quiet or loud and extravagant. You can talk how you want and wear what you want. You can love who you love. Life is hard, but we can get through it together. Help each other out. Help each other see that we have nothing to prove. We are all human, and we are all worth the same as anyone else. No one is worthless, and no one deserves to feel like it.
          	Repost please. Help me spread this. The more people see something the more their brain accepts it, and if we all keep it spreading then maybe we can help someone let the world fall off their shoulders and love life for what it is. So many kids commit suicide because they have no where to go and no one to talk to. Be somebody to someone and be there for them.


@LeEdgeLord  I'm sobbing sm. This message is probably the thing I needed to hear the most, and I'm sorry I wasn't online sooner to have said goodbye at least, or told you something significant back. 
          I'll miss you so much to, you were my best friend on wattpad as well. 
          Goodbye! ❤❤ I'm so happy for you
          -Me ❤❤❤


@LeEdgeLord  I understand! I'm so sorry I couldn't reply sooner, so that you can see this, but I'll just imagine that you know me well enough to at least predict what I'm going to say. 
          I'm proud of you. You have gone through hard times and you have pushed through. You have always been brave for seeking help, but I know that sometimes this app can be unhealthy. I more than once have become addicted to it and have had to leave for a while. 
          Jeez, I'm really seriously crying, I'm sad that I won't talk to you again. Being your friend was an amazing experience I'll never forget, but I know and realize that relying  too much on online friends is neither good or healthy. The fact that you've taken the time and effort to write this paragraph makes me so happy, though, because I know it wasn't easy. I understand you completely, and I'm proud. Wherever you are, wherever life takes you, I want you to know that I'm so freaking proud of you whatever you do. 
          I'll take care of my frogs from this side, yeah. Good luck with life! ❤❤


Dont try to pretty. Don't try to be perfect. Don't try to be cool. Don't try to be anything. Let go of it all. Let the weight of the expectations fall off your shoulders. Stop holding up the world. Let it fall and live in your own world. Life will always be miserable. Accept it. Now stop caring. Now love the hell out of life while you live it. You don't owe anyone anything. You have the absolute freedom and ability to be yourself. You can be crazy, you can be weird. You can be shy and quiet or loud and extravagant. You can talk how you want and wear what you want. You can love who you love. Life is hard, but we can get through it together. Help each other out. Help each other see that we have nothing to prove. We are all human, and we are all worth the same as anyone else. No one is worthless, and no one deserves to feel like it.
          Repost please. Help me spread this. The more people see something the more their brain accepts it, and if we all keep it spreading then maybe we can help someone let the world fall off their shoulders and love life for what it is. So many kids commit suicide because they have no where to go and no one to talk to. Be somebody to someone and be there for them.


Not me trying not to rant about a girl I've met twice in my life but is my favorite person istg. Don't get me wrong I love all my friends, but I have with this person so much in common that it's beautiful. We said goodbye at 9pm today, and rn it's 4am and all I've been thinking about for the last 5h is seeing her again. She loves vinyls, books, the German language, animes and music. I love her style, I could go on forever about it, not just because it's awesome but because it fits her so well. Her voice is beautiful, I could listen to it all day. Ik it kinda seems like I'm in love, but I don't don't think so, it's something I've never felt for someone. I've been wanting to meet a person like this since I was just a little kid and now that I finally have, and she seems to like me as much as I do her, I can't think of anything else. Writing it kinda makes it feel so much more real, and it's like years of pent-up emotions have just burst inside me and I'm crying rn and I don't even know why, but it's not sad crying. I can't even get myself to delete this rant, so yeah, I just wanted someone to know this. I'm not good with words, this probably sounds bland, but I don't think I've ever written anything with as much emotions I can't even distinguish in my life, I can't even explain what I'm feeling or why. Honestly I'm very emotional rn so I'll just leave this here for now. I'll publish this because I can't get myself to delete it


@LeEdgeLord  Thank you! Honestly, she's great, and I don't think she'd like me or that I would risk our friendship but getting into a relationship. I'm so happy to have her in my life, and that's enough, idc in what way she's here. We've talked about meeting up to do a reading-picnic soon, where we both just bring a couple of books and we talk about them and read them and stuff, and I'm really excited for it