
The way u forgot wattpad existed for a good year... my bad. Uh, YFM fans, hmu bc I wanna do a headcanon book bc I got some ideas. I can and will talk about how much I love YFM and Ray William Johnson. Tehe.. I did change my user n name, too, was @/gay4aryia


@Puffdis_dicc not even a good year, its a good 2 years mf 


The way u forgot wattpad existed for a good year... my bad. Uh, YFM fans, hmu bc I wanna do a headcanon book bc I got some ideas. I can and will talk about how much I love YFM and Ray William Johnson. Tehe.. I did change my user n name, too, was @/gay4aryia


@Puffdis_dicc not even a good year, its a good 2 years mf 


I'm so unmotivated to write anything omg. Please just be patient with me. I'm tryna come up with ideas to write for my stories (especially the one with Kurt). Also I start new stories because I have ideas for em, so like yeah. Let's hope I get motivated soon so I can out out updates. Thank you for reading. 


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I'm so fuckin unmotivated to write. It's bullshit. Idk if it's bc I have summer school or I just don't feel like it. Whatever it is, it needa stop rn. It's annoying af. Side not, I'm making a smut book so if y'all have any suggestions, write em in the comments of any published book I have. Thanks for reading this. Hope to update soon. Have a good rest of you day/night <3