
I'm sorry for not posting another chapter of Zack x Rachel or any of my other stories. It's just school is getting in the way and I'm stressed out big time and I'm also dealing with depression right now so it's hard for me to keep up with my books. But I'll be done with school for the summer in like 4 weeks so I should be able to catch up on my books


I'm sorry for not posting another chapter of Zack x Rachel or any of my other stories. It's just school is getting in the way and I'm stressed out big time and I'm also dealing with depression right now so it's hard for me to keep up with my books. But I'll be done with school for the summer in like 4 weeks so I should be able to catch up on my books


Hi everyone! I just want to say sorry for not posting in a long time, I just started highschool not long ago and I've been very stressed out. I have C's in 4 of my classes and I'm happy with that because it's a passing grade but my mom and dad tells me to do better and it adds more stress to me because it means more stressful work and having autism while being stressed isn't good. But I'll try to post a chapter of any story you want me to add more to, just comment on here the story and I'll post a new chapter on it.


@Puzzleshipper2047 sorry im late but i hope you're feeling better now :))


@Puzzleshipper2047 Awe thank you! I needed a hug


@Puzzleshipper2047 I relate on the just starting highschool thing, I'm starting it too and omg my parents are constantly like "Did you get your work in????!!!!" and I'm just like *screams into a pillow*. Getting time in for writing has been difficult for me. By the way, here is an online hug to hopefully make you feel a bit better. 


hii i like ur story about zack x rachel  !! when will u upload the next part ? i cant wait for the next part hshshshs  


@Puzzleshipper2047 ohh take ur time and always healthy (。>‿<。)


@t3nkei I'm glad that you like my story! I've been super busy lately with things, but I'll try to upload another chapter later today or tomorrow!


@puzzleshipper2047 what is your plan with the killlu x gon story 


Ok can't  wait take your time 


@staryerspirits Yes I do but I've been busy with a lot of things but now I'm on summer break so I'll be able to update it soon


Do you plan on updating it anytime soon


Listen, I know that it's wrong with pedophiles, but my stories are fictional, which means it's not real, like on my Zack x Rachel story, I made Rachel 14 and Zack 15 so it can be legal and not wrong, now not everyone like me changes their ages so please stop hating on my story, if you don't like it then don't click on it and begin to read it, I'm not going to take down any of my stories no matter what anyone says, they're my stories so I choose what to do with them, no one else. Thank you for understanding.


I love your stories! 


Hey I'm sorry I haven't been posting new chapters in forever it's just there's been so much happening like I've been going through depression and I've been having mental breakdowns. I've also been thinking that I don't belong anywhere and that I'm a total screwup...again, sorry not for posting in forever ^•^;


Love your work 


Oh I’m glad I’m not bothering you well have a good night 


You say you're bothering me but you're not