
If you don't mind, may I tell you about a funny coincidence regarding your AU and one of mine?
          (I swear, this'll be worth it)
          (...also: sorry I also asked this as a comment but I think it's funny and wanna tell you about it)


Sorry I just stopped talking there; sometimes conversations just stop working for me (it's happened... a lot. It also won't let me make new PMs during that [as in: if I haven't PM-ed the person before, it won't let me now]. Should work now, but if we're gonna keep talking we should probably either use private message or a comment [comments work no matter what for some reason):
            ...ok so you either deleted that reply, it's glitched and isn't showing up, or I'm going insane and it was never there to begin with.


@YanirasVengeance You don't have to feel guilty!
            It's just a coincidence. 
            Plus, I like Reset Dreamtale XD


@YanirasVengeance Oof. Welp, mine's basically a platonic yandere XD
            ...they both kill people though...
            And I guess had similar motivations for doing so if I understood what I read of Reset Dreamtale correctly? XD