
ok so I deleted all of my books, why because i feel like i needed a fresh start with writing i'll be doing something different i will not be doing another mineta book because i just never had any thoughts on what to put in a chapter i'll most likely be doing oneshot books so request there please!


ok so I deleted all of my books, why because i feel like i needed a fresh start with writing i'll be doing something different i will not be doing another mineta book because i just never had any thoughts on what to put in a chapter i'll most likely be doing oneshot books so request there please!


So i realized that i never interact here anymore but I figured I'd hop by to say hi also almost 1,000 views on the mineta x reader... Which is crazy i originally started the story as a joke but then i realize that people were starting to interact, it blew up which every time it went up a couple hundred views that's all i would talk about for two days. I just recently got out of school for the summer and I'll be a freshman next year at the moment i need to get the money to get a Chromebook specifically for writing. Also my birthday was yesterday so I guess happy birthday to me but a day late . I really appreciate you guys for being here even though I don't really interact here.


Me: *walks into cafeteria with wattpad open*
          Book: *smut scene begins*
          Me: *laughs* I'm in danger 


@ChamPthehampster congrats I'm proud of you child!


@QueenGarett FINNALY I DID SOMETHING GOOD! (i typed that while closing my eyes-)


I just wanna call someone *cough cough* daddy 
          Wait what-  ...... Mom please don't lock me in the room of disappointments 
          (Ok but in reality I'm currently laughing so hard at this sorry if y'all don't like this, let me just say this was supposed to be funny and who i call mom will comment on this lol)


@QueenGarett but since when am I ever gonna do that?


Ok I'ma be serious here if y'all find me annoying or something just go ahead and unfollow me I know this is going to be some how upsetting to some people but I would at least like some interaction with you guys other than my best friend who interacts with these...... It makes me fell like I'm annoying or something so......


Hey guys just a question how would you guys feel about a possible face reveal?


@QueenGarett i know im stupid okT^T let me die alone


@QueenGarett oh yeah i forgot about that-