
I posted some new books the other day. All three are random works of literature I've written over the years. There is poetry, short stories, and random writings. I hope all of my readers enjoy them as it is somewhat nerve-wracking to make my work public. My poetry especially is super personal to different life experiences I've had and so when I display my poetry I'm putting apart of myself on display as well. As stated before I hope that everyone who reads my new works enjoys them. Lots of love Alice 


I posted some new books the other day. All three are random works of literature I've written over the years. There is poetry, short stories, and random writings. I hope all of my readers enjoy them as it is somewhat nerve-wracking to make my work public. My poetry especially is super personal to different life experiences I've had and so when I display my poetry I'm putting apart of myself on display as well. As stated before I hope that everyone who reads my new works enjoys them. Lots of love Alice 


I'm updating Beautiful Lie soon...I've decided to work on one story at a time even though I don't want to. I just finish stories fast if I work on them one at a time so all my stories that aren't complete yet may not be complete for a while...


Thank you to all my followers and readers! Your votes and you just reading my stories means so much to me! I am terribly sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories yet, my phone was stolen and had to get a new one. I will have a new story up soon that I'm trying to finish before I post it and then after that I will update the ones I already have up. Again so sorry for not updating and also thank you all or your support and all that! Love you all-Alice