
I will be making a KSI story soon. 
          	All my Fortnite stories will not be deleted but they will be discontinued. Meaning I am no longer updating them. 


Breakups suck :'(


@McCree_ I might update my agency story. Just Sheshina and Meowscles will no longer be part of it 


Why am I seeing cursed Rick Sanchez stuff everywhere now! 0_0


It’s a reminder that Guggimon x Rick is forever 


Goddamn. I wore Rick in party royale and I had an audience like why tf. And then one started doing the bugha emote on me and I was there like wtf... @SlamsyTheSlams I wish you could've seen it. I wasn't even doing party hips. 


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I'm thinking of discontinuing Welcome to The Agency Habeeba and Sheshina. I'm sorry @McCree_ I know how much you loved it but it's obvious she's never coming back and I can't fucking be bothered any way. I'm gonna give some more thought on this. Sheshina isn't fucking worth it and it took me 6-7 months of being blocked by that bitch to realise this. I don't care if she can still see this. If you can see this Sheshina then fuck you I don't need you. I'm suffering and you don't even know what I've been through. 


@McCree_ I know. It's clear she wants nothing to do with me. She's happy with her life why should I care. 6-7 months almost a year even. 


@HabeebaBeebaxo I understand bestie. It's best to leave her alone with her own business


I've been trolling my best friend in YouTube for almost a week and they don't even know lmfao