
Hi! Srry it’s been a while and I might just delete all my stories and might make new ones! :)


HEY!! Sorry to comment out the blue, but I’ve read the possessed Kai au! From a whide ago, And I was so sad it ended, that I am writing it myself, if you’d like to see it! It’s original writing, but only 2 chapters have been completed, I’d love for you to read it if you’re still interested in ninjago!


So I’m gonna tell you guys a little about my self. I am adopted when I was about to be 1(like 2 days before I was 1). I have 9 siblings, 2 being biological related to me, 2 being half brothers(have same birth mom not birth dad), 2 being my step sisters, and 3 being half siblings(have same birth dad not birth mom). I have never met my biological siblings and my 3 younger siblings.