
Tomorrow I will finally be releasing the next chapter of Queen of Hearts. I’m nearly finished with chapter three as well but won’t be posting that just yet. I also have another work that I am currently in the process of outlining. I hope you all enjoy. 


Tomorrow I will finally be releasing the next chapter of Queen of Hearts. I’m nearly finished with chapter three as well but won’t be posting that just yet. I also have another work that I am currently in the process of outlining. I hope you all enjoy. 


Finally! After a year of starting the rewrite of The Queen of Hearts I would like to announce that Chapter Two is complete and Chapter Three is about halfway finished. I plan on publishing Chapter Two as soon as Three is finished and ready for editing later this week. I appreciate everyone hanging in there. I am resolved to write more in the future.


So far I have been able to redo the first two chapters of Queen of Hearts and am currently working on the third. The first two chapters are essentially the same story. I have mostly just rearranged the story so far. Chapter three,  on the other hand, is new material from what was previously published. All three chapters are in draft from and will not be published for a couple of weeks as I am on vacation visiting family. I will continue to keep you updated on when the new version of the story will be released. Thanks everyone!


Hello everyone! It's been a long time. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be returning to wattpad very soon with a rewritten version of The Queen of Hearts. I haven't been very happy with the way the story was going. It was also in need of some editing. As far as Blood Bounty goes, I have decided to discontinue it on this platform due to lack of readership. I have decided to try to publish it either traditionally or through another electronic platform once it's complete. I will keep you posted about it's fate. For those of you who enjoyed it, please know that Vale and the other characters have been a part of my life for so long that I will not be able to let them go. You will see them again, just not here. Thank you so much to my followers. I really do appreciate you and hope that you enjoy The Queen of Hearts as it is rewritten and published.


Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated. I intend to remedy that soon. As many of you know I recently finished nursing school. The reason I haven't updated was because 1. I had to study for the boards and 2. afterI passed the boards I began my job search. I start my career as a registered nurse next week. I hope to write on the stories posted very soon. Thanks!


Good evening everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I intend on doing some revamping of The Queen of Hearts once I start writing again. It's been brought to my attention that it seems a bit disorganized. I am curious as to what you all think. Do you think that I should continue Queen Catherine of Aragon's story the way I have, in her present time with a series of flashbacks, or start over at the beginning of her story? Your feedback is imporant to me and I am so very honored to have nearly 300 reads here on wattpad! 
          I also want to thank you for your continued support during this difficult time and appreciate your condolences and prayers for my family and my father-in-law who will truly be missed. He had requested to read my work before I came up with the idea for Catherine's story. I wish he had gotten to read it but I am one to think that he is looking down on our family and everything we do. 
          Love to you all!


Hey everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated either story in awhile. I have been busy studying for my NCLEX. I had to push it back recently because my father-in-law has been in the hospital. We just got some bad news today that there is nothing else they can do so it's possible I may have to push my exam back again so we can go and be with him. My husband is trying to decide when we should travel again. More than likely, because of what my family is going through, studying for my exams, my son's upcoming 2nd birthday, and the holidays I am putting both stories on hold until the beginning of the year. This also means that I will not be able to do any crituqes as well. For those of you who are religious please pray for my family so that we may get through this, for those of you who are not, please just keep us in your thoughts. We need all the prayers and good vibes that we can get. Thank you all so very much for your support and patience. This has been a very difficult time for all of us.