
I’ve been SO sick this past week, hence the slow updates, I’ll be back to normal soon <3


Author, when are you updating accidental? Also, no pressure js to lyk. Hope you're doing fine and all! I heard that you've moved (or are moving) houses from your other convo? 


@Yiruui Also, I'm thinking of writing a gojo satoru ff. Since your story, "after you left" was the first fanfic I read when I first downloaded wattpad, I thought of telling you first. Any tips? 


Btw, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Burnout is unhealthy. <3


Also, just a reminder, I love you and your stories <33 You can update your other 2 ongoing stories whenever you want. I've read all of your stories and I love them sm lol.


Hiii ❤️ I hope you’re doing alright! I just wanted to come on here and tell you how much I love your work! Legal trouble is one of my favorite fics, I always go back and reread it. 
          I also wanted to say sorry about all the pressure you’ve been getting to update Accidental. I’m genuinely annoyed for you lol. As much as I love the story and would like to see where you take it, I also hope you’re taking good care of yourself! There are several jjk writers that I follow on tumblr that have made complaints about their inboxes getting bombarded with stuff like “upDaTe?!” or being critiqued on storylines and it makes them not want to write anymore- I’m not sure how you feel about it but it made me think of you since I see the comments and posts on your profile. 
          Sorry if this is a lot btw! I just wanted to tell you that I love the storylines you come up with, you are an insanely talented writer and deserve to know it  you also deserve a break if you feel like you need one! Don’t let   anybody pressure you to update just bc they ask. I would rather wait a year for an update that’s written by someone with a clear mind instead of getting an update the next day that feels rushed ❤️


Hi, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this message. Honestly I have been burdened with things irl haha (including moving house ) so you’ve really hit the spot with your comments!
            Luckily my readers are quite kind and I haven’t received too many impatient messages when it comes to my works, but honestly I stopped reading a lot of the comments on ‘after you left’ because of the hate  (I get it, my own fic is probs one of the cringiest pieces of fiction over ever read).
            I’m so glad I logged onto the app today to see your message, it’s really made my day so thank you <3 I hope to release an update to accidental in the near future too! My life has been quite hectic recently however 


You said that you were thinking of making a after you left and/or legal trouble sequel right?? If you do, please don't put angst in either of them  and make it short (10-15 chapters) 
          I have a idea, for the legal trouble sequel (if you make it) please make them get married like it was said in the prequel <33


And I actually read all your stories I'm obsessed lol


I’ve been SO sick this past week, hence the slow updates, I’ll be back to normal soon <3


Hi guys! I want to preface ‘Accidental’ by saying I’m trying a new level of character development. You might notice that the au is slightly similar to my ‘Legal Trouble’ fiction, but I can promise you that it’s completely different in terms of working situations. Y/n is (to begin with) not as headstrong as my mc in ‘Legal Trouble’. I want to show some of the feelings of inferiority that one might have to conquer when starting out in the corporate world. To me, she is like a younger version of the mc in ‘Legal Trouble’, who will later gain her confidence through experience! I promise she will become just as confident later in the fic <3


@Quinxlol Oml yes I noticed the legal trouble similarities, btw glad to know that we / y/n  are going to become just as confident. I love the story so far btw <33


I just finished 'after you left', thank you for giving me the best piece of literature I've come across on wattpad ever  you're so talented it's crazy thank you for making the last two days of my life so amazing and also if I get fired from my job for reading your fic under the desk just know I regret nothing. dw about the haters I'm objectively always correct and i say your skills are FIRE!! much love xoxo


Aww thank you for being so nice! I’m so glad you liked my story :) I’m thinking of making a sequel after I finish the other fics I’m currently writing and I hope it can live up to the first for you! Have a good day lovely <3