hai meh rice teh pet regressorr

i sometiems liekly to draw and paint cuz its stress relief way and it calm myself and sharing mah personal arts can giv meh happiness about seeing peoples motivation and reaction in comments!! but i has school and stuff work to do taht is willing meh to stay away from internet a lot maybe :< orrr teh best way for meh taht im sometimes online chatting wit mah caregivers and mah friends too!!! (irl btw) if mah mind management is done

MEH FREEEEEE!!!! MOMMYY?? CAN WE WATCH BABYBUS?? ^w^ o nu meh has to go to potty..

meh dont share mah arts to mah friends cuz i wouldnt rather to do taht.. except mah caregivers and others can see it -w-

  • baby crib -w- (tbh NYC)
  • Se ha unidoSeptember 3, 2022


Último mensaje
R1C3F1ELD R1C3F1ELD Mar 03, 2023 02:02AM
aaa its been a while taht i didnt post any of stuff cuz uhm nu one came? meh see only few of it but it okimeh gonna post it for more soon!! on artwork
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Historia de Rice / Ant
mah artbook de R1C3F1ELD
mah artbook
heres my artwork so enjoy it ;w;
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