
My most sincere apologies dear readers, but I may have to take a break from writing for an unknown period of time. I'm not in a place that I can be myself and I need that to write these tales for you. The place I'm in is uncomfortable and not pleasant to be in at all, in fact I wish nothing more than to escape but I will not dwell on that. Please, feel free to share your thoughts on my works but the next chapters may take a while to be uploaded.


My most sincere apologies dear readers, but I may have to take a break from writing for an unknown period of time. I'm not in a place that I can be myself and I need that to write these tales for you. The place I'm in is uncomfortable and not pleasant to be in at all, in fact I wish nothing more than to escape but I will not dwell on that. Please, feel free to share your thoughts on my works but the next chapters may take a while to be uploaded.