
Hi everyone,
          	Sorry if I haven't posted anything lately is because I have been busy and I'm marry for a year now. However, I'm about to finish one book and I will try my best to start a new one from Full Metal Alchemist about the Hawkeye family.  Also, I will be taking any suggestions for any other anime show. Just comment on the suggestions at the comment section.


Hi everyone,
          Sorry if I haven't posted anything lately is because I have been busy and I'm marry for a year now. However, I'm about to finish one book and I will try my best to start a new one from Full Metal Alchemist about the Hawkeye family.  Also, I will be taking any suggestions for any other anime show. Just comment on the suggestions at the comment section.


           Sorry if I'm not writing any of my books is cuz I'm having some difficulties with my laptop and internet, but overall I'm still plotting other stories for you all. Comment with kind of story I should do next and share my books with ur friends. Take care, wear mask, keep 6 ft a part and keep ur love ones safe from this virus.


hello to all my followers and the people I'm following!!! I just want to remind you all that I need more readers to read my book. So if you all can post it on your social media, if you have on, or ask your friends to read it. I will be glad and I will post some of you guys books that I read and that are my favorite or I will take a screenshot of the book that I read and post it on my social media. Thak you guys and have an awesome day.