this message may be offensive
I know, I know, I keep saying I'll come back, and maybe one day I actually will. But thing is, friends, I've completely and utterly lost the will to write. I have no energy any more, I'm coming up on 30, and I can't seem to string together a solid thought anymore. I'm trying to get in to therapy to help me get all of this off of me, but therapy is expensive and I'm already drowing in debt from student loans and other bills that come with being an adult. On top of that, I normally wrote from my phone and the Wattpad app has been having so many issues lately that it feels impossible to actualky write anything. It drains my battery like a damned leech and overheats my phone to the point it almost burns me. So. Unfortunately, until further notice, I will be inactive. Sorry to let you all down. Thanks for being patient and sticking around as long as you have, but I'm going to be honest with you guys. I'm not deleting anything, all my stories are going to stay up. I just won't be updating until I can get my shit fixed and I really don't know how long that will be. I barely even open Wattpad these days. See you around.

Yeah, been a hot minute since I was really on here too. I can’t say my situation is at all the same, I’m only finally hitting 21, got my first job after 2 years of putting in application after application, got my own beat up car for barely 1k, finally overcame my anxiety enough to get my license, made two friends that I actually click and can hang out with for the first time in 11 years… it’s been a chaotic ride, and I’m so happy I’ve gotten here, but there’s still so much that requires my attention and focus, and when I do have a moment of peace, I need that to rest, to meditate and make sure all is still right, to be thankful and then continue on. So, I guess all of this is to say, don’t feel bad. Life happens, and even when it’s going good you won’t always have the time nor energy to do everything.

@RT_Strawhat_Ninja it is absolutely fine to take a break! Hope everything goes well for you soon