
It's coming to the end of the year and things have finally calmed down a bit. Life is going to be crazy still, but I have at least found a pocket of time right now to write a couple of things. I'm not sure whether I'll return to a consistent schedule soon, but thank you all for the support and patience while I have done my best. Cheers to a new year, which will hopefully bring more time and creative juice!


It's coming to the end of the year and things have finally calmed down a bit. Life is going to be crazy still, but I have at least found a pocket of time right now to write a couple of things. I'm not sure whether I'll return to a consistent schedule soon, but thank you all for the support and patience while I have done my best. Cheers to a new year, which will hopefully bring more time and creative juice!


Hi all,
          Once again I find myself having my butt kicked by life obligations. I will be taking a temporary hiatus until I can wrap my head around everything going on. No editing or writing will be happening. Space and Time updates will resume once I return.


Happy Pride 2019 everybody!
          I'm in the midst of conference season and schoolwork but I'll be damned if I don't at least acknowledge the queer folks who came before me and established tolerance, activism, and pride in the name of equity. Cheers to the LGBTQ+ folks out there right now, being their authentic selves, and to those we lost over time.


Followers may have noticed the lack of Space and Time update yesterday. Things have been a bit wild in real life so I will have to slow down my updates for now. Look out for a new chapter on the 8th of every month! Thanks all for the support and understanding. Y'all keep me going.


Time for another SEMI-HIATUS, guys. Grad school's intense! I should be back as soon as things calm down a bit and I get my official work done. The months leading up to conference season have had me writing so many papers, my creative writing reserves have been completely depleted. 
          Space and Time updates will be paused until I'm back. 
          Those I'm editing for, don't worry! I'm still making time to read and edit. :)


As I complete more works, I have decided to sell them independently via my Gumroad store: https://gumroad.com/rtally
          At the moment, I'm focusing on getting EPUB and PDF ebook formats up there for all you ereaders, but if there's interest in a specific format (e.g., KOBI or even physical) I can see to that as well. :)
          Thanks for your continuing support!


If you're curious about why I chose Gumroad and independent publishing, and how the heck I'm creating EPUB files, don't be afraid to ping me :)


The 39th chapter of The Charlatan is up, and with this, the book is finished. Over 77,000 words in the making. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on the way! Now it's time for some editing, polishing, and sequel-writing. ;)


@Isotope-08 Thank you for this lovely comment!! Publishing will be a whole endeavor in and of itself, but I'm looking forward to it. :)


@RTally congratulations on the completion of your book! I'm looking forward to reading the final polished version when it is released and I will most certainly purchase a copy for my bookshelf when it is published. I wish you all the success in the world!