Yo, Home Dog Skilly Biscuit Fritos!! Welcome to my lovely profile, and if you can't tell, my background photo is of a cupcake. Cupcakes all around! 

Here are some things about me you might need to know:

1. When someone says "no offense", you can't take offense; it's the rule
2. I forgot what number two was. . .
3. Cupcakes make the world go round. Unless they're stale. . .
4. Now that I'm eighteen, I can vote, smoke, and get a tattoo. I don't think I'll do the last two. . .
5. I'm technologically challenged.
6. I mostly love to read fantasy, though 90% of the time, I hate getting to the climaxes of books.
7. If anyone asks me to read one of their stories, I will go out of my way not to. Don't be offended; I have my reasons, which I'm sure you'll agree are very good reasons indeed.
8. I <3 Jimmy Fallon and 29-Times-Spit-Guy (who's name is definitely David)
9. I will only vote on a story if I believe it's one of the best stories ever made that is also a perfect example of two things I hate: spelling and grammar.
10. I own the most adorable cat in the whole universe, though I actually hate cats.

My Blog: http://rachellauren19.blogspot.com/
  • United States
  • JoinedFebruary 27, 2011


4 Reading Lists