
Hi Rachel, 
          Thanks so much for adding Eridanus Flooding to your reading list!
           I hope that you're enjoying the book, it's really encouraging to know that there are actual people out there reading my writing.  :P
          I update every Friday so be sure to add it to your library if you want to continue reading ( fingers crossed) to get the notifications of the updates. 
          Anyway, Thanks again! Don't be a stranger!


@RC_Pointer Oh don't worry it's already in my library since a while ago ; )


@RaeynTeller Awwwh! Your sweet message made me feel 100% better!
            Good luck on your finals and have a great week! <3


@RC_Pointer Hahahhaahahah. Don't thank me! It's your hard work that has spread and I should be thanking you. Well, I haven't read it yet. I'm stocking up for my holiday season which sort of starts in two days when my finals finish. Can't wait!!


Thanks for the follow!


@ NoWi2424  great point, thank you. I just read a lot about writing, read and watch movies. When I read yours I'm sure I will say the same about you.


@NoWi2424 It was a really amazing start. Hey, you're really good at this hahahaha. But the fighting part (with the dragon) you said 'the hero'? I'm thinking maybe since he hasn't done anything yet maybe he shouldn't use that title yet? Anyway that's up to you!


@ NoWi2424  I read yours a bit later today but today. How did you like mine? Any errors etc?


Thnx for adding my story to ur reading list, made me so happy (>w<)
          Btw about your story, you shouldn't be nervous and totally go for it, I'm sure that you'll find the world of writing and creation to be amazing ;3


Wow. Thanks. I think... I think I'm gonna go check my story again now In case. Thanks so much for the advice. My lifesaver...


 Well I'm not specifically the greatest role model though. I think that once you publish your story, it'll be put in the new stories section for pple to see. When that happens, most readers are attracted to stories with no grammatical mistakes and a good plot, also if you could update weekly it will also keep many tuned in. 
            Now back to your question, for me, I got around 10 reads in the first week, so actually it doesn't take that long for viewers to come once you publish your story, it's just a matter of how intriguing, mistake-free your story is and how long it takes you to publish another chapter.
            That's just my option though, hope that I helped and answered your question (^_^)


@Sukikmu Actually... When publishing a story, how long does it take for viewers and readers to actually come and read it?