
In my new poem " 23/ Ambition" part of my poetry collection " An Earthling's Journey Through Life", I have tried to show why family and friends are important in life. 
          	Kindly give it a read and bless it with your comments.


          Poem 22/ The Big Bully is the 22nd poem of my poetry collection " An Earthling's Journey Through Life"
          If we dig through our memories, we can always recall the presence of a bully in our childhood days (provided we were not one), the sort who derive pleasure out of troubling others. This is my poem about that bully. I would leave my readers to judge the context for the context may run deeper.


Poem 20/" An Appeal From The National Flag",  is the twentieth poem in my poetry book "An Earthling's Journey Through Life".
          The Independence Day was celebrated with patriotic fervour and gaiety. As happens every year I was saddened to see many flags, big and small, made from cloth and paper, being strewn around, deprived of the dignity they deserve. The way to treat the National flag including its disposal, is described in the ' Flag Code Of India 2002'. We should refer to it. In this poem, the National Flag appeals to the citizens to treat it with the respect that it deserves.


19/ Independence Day
          My 19th poem ' Independence Day' in the collection of poems "An Earthling's Journey Through Life"  is a tribute to the efforts made by our forefathers for giving us our independence from bondage on this, the eve of the seventy sixth year of our Independence. Hope you feel my heartfelt thoughts expressed in the hastily scribbled lines.


18/ The Flood In The City
          This is  the eighteenth poem in the collection of my poems ' An Earthling's Journey Through Life'. We all enjoy the good aspects of nature and curse it when anything adverse happens. In this poem I have tried to show how a child not well versed with the ways of the world, takes everything in his stride and finds ways to even enjoy it. A child in indeed the father of a man.   I hope you enjoy it and encourage it by voting.


17/ Ode To The Runner
          This poem is the 17th poem of my collection ' An Earthling's Journey Through Life'. We are all aware of that feeling of adrenaline rush and heightened elation which we have when we cover a run or a walk in surprisingly good time. It over rides all the sensations of tiredness which we get after that grind. I have paid a tribute to one such runner who is practicing for a half marathon event through my poem. Hope you like it.