
this message may be offensive
I think I’m falling for my Bestfriend.... UGH! I don’t want to fuck up our friendship but I also don’t want to feel this constant pain in my chest. Make it stoppp this fucks with my brain to much ._. 


this message may be offensive
I think I’m falling for my Bestfriend.... UGH! I don’t want to fuck up our friendship but I also don’t want to feel this constant pain in my chest. Make it stoppp this fucks with my brain to much ._. 


I love your bio. It's very meaningful. You didn't have to use a tone of words to get your message across and I love that about people. Anyways, I'll be leaving now. Have a good day/night you beautiful human being.


Aw shucks that made my night. Thank you so much! Have a good day/night beautiful human being.