
Update discord invite link! Should work now, but if not let me know! 


Hello all! So thanks to a suggestion from a certain reader, I've decided to make a discord server for The Seer! I'm super new to discord, so have patience with me while I learn how to get everything running right. For anyone interested, here's the code: https://discord.gg/nMbreUvg
          (tell me if the link doesn't work and I can try to fix it)
          This server will be for anyone interested in talking about The Seer, have any questions, or just want to hang out! I'm open to suggestions and edits to the server if any more qualified people wanna tell me how to do it.
          Thank you for your continued support and I'm super excited to show you all what I have in store for this story!!


@SleepyReaperSheep Here, it should work now. If there are anyone other problems feel free to let me know and I'll try tp fix it!


@SleepyReaperSheep yeah I can message it to you. I’m still trying to figure discord out and I thought I’d made it so that it doesn’t expire but I must have been mistake. I’ll try to do some research and fix it. 


@Rama-Mama could you send the link again? It said it was expired 


The prologue as been posted! Blacklight is officially published! I’ll probably be alternating updates between The Seer and Blacklight monthly, so look out for that. 
          I hope you enjoy!! Please tell me what you think!


I don’t normally leave author’s notes, but I had a question for anyone interested in answering. 
          I’m working on a new project here on Wattpad. It’s not undertale related, it’s an original thing of mine that has nothing to do with my vamp verse story. My question is how interested would you all be in reading it? I would still be working on The Seer, and I have big plans for the ending, so there should be no fear of me dropping it in favor of this new project. I’ve just been hesitant working on it here because it’s so different from The Seer. Tell me your thoughts on this. 
          Thank you for reading. 


I’d be super excited!! I absolutely LOVE your work and would be willing to support it! 


@Rama-Mama I'd absolutely love to read it! I'm exited for it


Thank you so much for your support! I’m going to continue working on it until I have a few chapters backlogged but I expect to be able to upload the first one soon! 


Hi, I just want to say that you are an awesome  writer and to have confidence in yourself. I'm always scared when I start a new book that it's not finished and discarded because they think it is trash when clearly it's not! I hope you don't believe your writing is trashy. When you read this I hope my words help you in a way because I KNOW you will be an amazing author  some day. 


Oh my gosh that is so nice! Thank you so much for that! I know I have things to work on but I appreciate the bout of confidence more than you know! : )


Hey, I’ve been reading your Vampireverse book and I’d say you are a great author. I absolutely love your work. I seriously get excited every time a new chapter is posted and is willing to read it as soon as possible. You are an amazing writer. Keep up the great I’d love to see what you make next! 
          Also a little interest, maybe you’d also enjoy empireverse by Lunnar Chan on tumblr it’s reeaaaally good. 


Thank you so much! I’ve never done anything like this before so I really appreciate the encouragement! I’m glad you like the story! I work really hard on it (though  some chapters are a bit questionable) and I plan to continue with it. I have big plans! : )
            (Also, I’ll check out that story on tumblr. Thanks for the suggestion)