
Hey guys it’s me, I’m not dead….


Okay but crazy thought of the evening, I used to get on this website and write every day. Everyone used to eat my books up and love them. But I was miserable. Writing used to be what I did to close myself off from the rest of the world. I could write for days on end no stop because I had nothing else to do. But now, I don't write as much. But I find myself happier, because I now have found hobbies that aren't writing that make me happy... It's just weird. I still love to write, but it's been at least a year sense i sat down and write something and completed it, even a short story.


I sorta relate to that. Something similar happened to me...part of it was I got too busy to write and it’s been awhile since I got something completed fully. 
            But. Im glad you’re happy, at least. Even if writing isn’t as important as it was or used to be, its important to be happy


The scariest part of being in love is the fear of falling out of it. The fear that if you do one little thing wrong it's over, the person who became your everything becomes another broken heart. However, should you be chased away from love because of this? No. Fear of losing them is a sign of how much you care. Is it still terrifying? Yes. But love comes at a cost. But my God, does it pay off in the best damn way. Somehow, if you're truly in love, everything is worth it. And the feeling of being in love isn't all that bad, when it's not terrifying, it's the best damn thing ever.
          Wrote this with a certain someone in mind, he knows who he is.
          Love you honey, you're worth the world.


*insert screaming noise and death*


Ok bye. I shall stop bugging you now


Yay death...


That moment when you're highkey a political person and start writing an essay, on your own free will, with citations in case anymore wants proof, that the resemblances between early Nazi Germany and current America are frightening :)
          I know what I write and publish won't have much affect as to what will happen, buy if I can open the eyes of just one person, or give just one person evidence to use in a debate against the Trump Administration, its worth it. Citations will be in MLA format to appear up most professional. And to my fellow minors, those who physically cannot vote, yet want to see change in the governmet... We can do more than we think. We are the echoing voices, the first recipient in a game of telephone. But unlike in telophone, lets make sure our message gets through loud and clear. Decisions made today effect our tomorrow, effect the world we have to live in when we age. We might not be able to change much sense we aren't "adults" but hey, just cause we don't have the same privileges doesn't mean we can't make some noise and turn the heads of those who can. I myself will confess I've been silent for too long, just speaking to friends who already agree can't change much after all. I'll leave this here for now. And I hope this inspires someone. Remember, on a website full of writers, our most powerful weapon is our words. They are a gift that we must use responsibly. For now, good day.