I enjoy changing this thing a lot, okay?
My current obsession is Pokémon Sun, but I'm also into a lot of other fandoms (Portal 2, Skyrim, Ajin, The Seven Deadly Sins, Wandering Son(I think it's just a manga but I could be wrong???), Attack on Titan, Undertale, Overwatch, Red Vs Blue, et cetera)
I'm young but I know what I'm doing.
Homosexual so some of my stories might be such.
My gender truly does not matter, yes I do have a specific one, yes it is the one I was born with, no I won't reveal it to you.
I really like making friends, and I try my best to give good advice if needed, so just remember I'm here for you if you gotta talk and I care, blah blah blah god I'm so cliché.
But yeah, I do truly care about you, no matter who you are or what you've done. So yeah. I'm here.
I also rp, cuz I mean my significant other got me back into it, so if you wanna then I am totally up to it.
I do best with fandom rps, not just random characters, but whatever floats your boat.
  • JoinedJanuary 29, 2017