
Viae none Romam


Contremuit terra deorsum sonitus crepitantiaque ad terram elisit aere plena. primum quia vix audibile et fuerunt in rubo maius mus. introitum nostrum ad castellum equitatu adveniunt. illud aeneis lamminis rusticorum quatuor amictus lumine vinculis coniunctum vide infra a. hominem tantummodo Armati cum obsoleto caput brunneis tunicam suam et tactas limo terrae. quod nostris moribus resembles magis quam vivere illos qui a latere sunt magna aquae. hostis ab equo esset iuvenis mirae maxime Carthaginiensi emissarium. et ipse est ante villa nobis annuntiant. "Carthaginem cecidit." Viae non Romam.


How's it hip happenin my fleshy boi's? As you can probably tell, my two stories I have been writing for the past year have been taken down. Now it isn't because I hate the stories, or I am gonna stop writing. It's actually quite the opposite, I have been in the process of writing a completely different set of stories. Two of which are Japanese romance novels. But that doesn't mean I am abandoning those other books. I am looking back at those stories and revising them so they are much better. But it will be quite a while before I publish anything major. So expect me to be active in late 2021. Thank you for your support. And I'll see you later.


Hello, my peep's. now i know that it has been a long, Long time since my last announcement but lately i have been busy with other projects which you can find out more from my social media's. my last update was last November so why am i coming back now. well, that's simple. instead of devoting my energy to longer stories, i will instead put it to more short stories.  Her Love and Judgement will remain open, and i am in no way abandoning those storylines. but those stories will be revised, re-written, and republished into more refined, digestible, and more rich stories in the future. but until then, there will be small stories coming out in the near future, starting with Rumpelstiltskin. thank you for your patience, and till next time. goodbye.


Chapter 6 - The Arrival
          Wednesday, January 1st, 2020
          Chapters 6-10 of Her Love - Journey Across the Stars
          Friday, February 14th, 2020
          Chapter 7 - The Divide
          Monday, April 13th, 2020
          Chapter 8 - The Darkness
          Monday, June 1st, 2020
          Chapter 9 - The King
          Monday, September 7th, 2020
          Chapter 10 - The Calamity
          Saturday, October 31st, 2020


alright, now i know it has been over a month since my last announcement, and it was the end of September since the last time i released a chapter for either of my books. and truth be told, i won't be able to release many books from here onward. i was already pushing it with school work, and now i have a job. so that is sorta the straw that broke the camels back. but don't worry, its not like i won't be uploading anything, it just won't be as frequently as like a chapter every month. so after this post, i will post some brand spankin new release dates. thank you.


alright y'all, welcome to another announcement. Now on the subject of the next batch of chapters. They will have to be delayed. I haven't had time to write even chapter 6 which has been progressing sluggishly. Since i started working, that backed up with school. I am going to have to delay chapters 6 through 10. I don't have a new release date as of yet. But it will be soon. Maybe some time in November. But the specifics i don't have worked out yet. Thank you for your cooperation. And until next time. 


yeah sorry, the book came out a day late, i wanted to add a few details here and there and the editing was what took the most time. but other than that this chapter came out wonderfully. you'll experience quite a bit of juice near the end so make sure you guys are holding cups. anyways if you guys don't know. Judgment is going to be on a little hiatus for all of October so to see the conclusion you'll have to wait until thanksgiving. see yall on Halloween my smashed pumpkin slices.


alright my overcooked chicken nugget babies. I am in the mood for showing the new release dates for those that are interested. becuase there is a lot of changes considering i can't publish one chapter complete on time if my life depended on it. so let's go gamer bro's and broettes.
          Chapter 3 - The Lost
          Friday, September 13th, 2019
          Chapter 4 - The Betrayed
          Friday, September 20th, 2019
          Chapter 5 - The Light
          Monday, September 30th, 2019
          Chapters 6-10 of Her Love - Journey Across the Stars
          Thursday, October 31st, 2019
          Chapter 6 - The Darkness and Judgement - The Dark World Soundtrack
          Thursday, November 28th, 2019
          Chapter 7 - The King 
          Tuesday, December 24th, 2019
          Chapters 11-15 of Her Love - Journey Across the Stars
          Wednesday, January 1st, 2020
          Chapter 8 - The Calamity and Full Release of Judgement - The Dark World
          Friday, February 14th, 2020
          yeah, you can probably see my little peanuts that nearly the entire release calendar has changed. just because chapter three wasn't finished on time. just to be 100% clear. this is all my fault. but this will hopefully never have to change. because I'm sick of having to change it. but knowing me that probably, definitely won't happen.


So probably noticed on September 2nd that chapter 3 did not get released. Well there's actually another terrible excuse for this. And it's because chapter 3 his many times longer than chapter 2. And i only had a month to finish it. How long is lt going to be you hypothetical person. Well let me tell you. As of now i have writen 4 thousand words. And i estimated that it will be around 8 - 10 thousand words. So hear is how this is gonna throw down. I am going to split this chapter up into 3 chapters each chapter being around 2.6 - 3 thousand words. The first part will be released Friday because it is pretty much done. The next part will be released the Friday after that. And the final part will be released at the end of September. This change in plans will not effect any other releases. so yeah have a wonderful day ladies and gents.