Going Dark ( DamainXMariette, DarkRomance )
Passing through ( OG, sci-fi ) 18+
The Peal of Pain ( Naruto fanfic)
Calling to ( OG, werewolf )
Livid ( Jason Todd )
Unscripted ( Flash Fic )

- No regular update schedule, I write when I can and when the inspo hits me.
  • My twisted mind
  • انضمNovember 6, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
RavenAAuthor_ RavenAAuthor_ Dec 10, 2023 08:28PM
Going Dark is officially discontinued since I can't have enough inspiration to write it. Will take it off soon.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Andy
Story Ideas بقلم RavenAAuthor_
Story Ideas
Just a book on book ideas I always have but don't have much time to start or finish writing them. If you like...
+13 أكثر
10 قوائم قراءة