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I just finished reading a good girls guide to murder and it’s 2 am. I have to wake up at 6 . It was so worth it though. The book is so fucking good I can’t. I can’t wait to read the next one. I recommend anyone who likes good mystery or suspense to read it! I can’t wait for the show as well!!


Yeah, you should! It's sooo good


oml my friend has read it and she thinks it’s amazing i think i might just have to read it bro 


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I just finished reading a good girls guide to murder and it’s 2 am. I have to wake up at 6 . It was so worth it though. The book is so fucking good I can’t. I can’t wait to read the next one. I recommend anyone who likes good mystery or suspense to read it! I can’t wait for the show as well!!


Yeah, you should! It's sooo good


oml my friend has read it and she thinks it’s amazing i think i might just have to read it bro 


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I fucking hate men.
           I was at the fair with my friends from 5:30 to 9. My mom asked where to pick me up and I said in front of JCPenney cause I’m near to it. It was like across the street. So I said by to my friends and walked across the stewrt to go there. Halfway across the fucking street this car drives by and a man in the passenger seat sticks his head out the window and says hey. I have never seen this dude in my life so I ignore him obviously. As the car drives way he asks me for my fucking number. A GROWN ASS MAN WITH A BEARD AND EVEHTHING. I AM FUCKING 13 WTF. I was wearing a hoodie that goes down to my thighs and jeans(for anyone who cares about that stuff, which is stupid) BRO IM 13 and even if you can’t tell my specific age, you can FUCKING TELL IM A FUCKING MINOR. I can’t do this shit anymore bro.


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Thank you so much! I do the same thing with my dad from a young age as well and he also has a huge yelling voice like yours. He doesn’t yell that much but when he does it is loud. I hope nothing like this happen will again but it will, since men are fucking idiots. Thank you again and you can vent to me too!<333


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god i fucking hate men, at the youngest age i can remember shit from i was ALWAYs weird around men, except my dad the only guy i really trusted. in a store, stay as close to my dad as possible, out talking to my parentss friends and my mom and my dad go separate ways, i stay with my dad. it’s always my dad, he’s the one i chose to live with when my parents finally separated, i think he’s the only guy i’m ever going to truly TRULY trust. but sometimes he scares the living crist out of me, he has a huge yelling voice and i get so fucking scared it’s not funny. i am so sorry that happened to you, i just realized we are the same age, men are so fucking stupid most times and just think they can always get a way with it. vent to me if you need to talk anymore, im here!


ok a creature inheritance is (not real in really life) when your parents are creature most likely the same creature and you have that creature blood in your veins and you turn (once of age) into that creature and you get different abilities debating what your ancestors were and if you only have one creature parent then you still can have that inheritance but you might not, and (au) stands for “alternate universe” that’s why some people say when they get hate for something that didn’t happen in the movies but did in the story they say “it’s my au i can say whatever” hope that answers your questions!!!


Thank you so much! 