
Sorry to all who have read my story, and wanted me to continue it. I unpublished the story because I wrote it a while back, and it's not that good. I also unpublished it because I started to get a lot of hate for the story, which is understandable, because I don't like parts of this book either. Lastly, I didn't know how to continue the book as I lost all motivation because of the previous reasons, and life in general. If you would like, you can contact me about taking this storyline for yourself to continue writing it here. Again, I am so very sorry to all, and I ask you to please be understanding. Thank you so much.


Someone please take this story off the author and continue it please...or could the author give it to someone


Sorry to all who have read my story, and wanted me to continue it. I unpublished the story because I wrote it a while back, and it's not that good. I also unpublished it because I started to get a lot of hate for the story, which is understandable, because I don't like parts of this book either. Lastly, I didn't know how to continue the book as I lost all motivation because of the previous reasons, and life in general. If you would like, you can contact me about taking this storyline for yourself to continue writing it here. Again, I am so very sorry to all, and I ask you to please be understanding. Thank you so much.


Someone please take this story off the author and continue it please...or could the author give it to someone