
hey guys! 
          	I've been getting a lot of comments that are wonderful and that you wish for me to update my story. 
          	The thing is that I have been dealing with major  depression disorder, also called MDD, for over two years and I haven't had the strength to update. But hopefully, it will get better one day and soon. 
          	Thank you for your patience and love. It definitely  makes my days better when I read all your loving comments.


@ReaperCrew98 wishing you good health i hope u come back to writing soon because  you're great


hey guys! 
          I've been getting a lot of comments that are wonderful and that you wish for me to update my story. 
          The thing is that I have been dealing with major  depression disorder, also called MDD, for over two years and I haven't had the strength to update. But hopefully, it will get better one day and soon. 
          Thank you for your patience and love. It definitely  makes my days better when I read all your loving comments.


@ReaperCrew98 wishing you good health i hope u come back to writing soon because  you're great


Hey guys! 
          I really need your help! 
          So there's a project that I'm doing in school and the thing is that I'm going to read a story to a couple of kids in. You know like, a Disney story of some sort. And the teacher thought that it would be better if I wrote  a story and read it to them. I need your help to come up with ideas of what to write. 
          It needs to be astory that will be interesting for both boys and girls. The age will be like from 0-8 years old. 
          So if you come up with an idea, please send a message or something. It will really help me! 
          Love  you all xoxo


Hey i have been reading your book and i was wandering why you stopped updating it


            Okay thanks for telling me


@Amelia_Lunar  Hey, I haven't stopped, it's just that it's been really busy with school and work. I've started to write the next chapter, but the only time I'll be available to update will be in two weeks, because that's the only time I don't have any homework or anything else to do :)


As you all know, I wrote in the latest chapter that I was going to update on Monday, and I'm still going to. But After that, I don't know how long it's going to take before I post another chapter, because I saw something on the news today that broke my heart. Hence the reason to why I've changed Profile- and Background-picture and Username. 
          Either way, I do hope that you'll have some patience with me and keep reading my story. 
          Thanks xoxo