
Hi all, I'm back and ready to get back to writing. Unfortunately no more fanfic, so I'm starting on a brand new page
          	However. My writing style will remain the same as my viewers can and will affect the plot. I'm starting a new spooky story right before Halloween and hope to see some of you there. Thank you for all supporting me thus far I will always remember this 
          	-Midnight, Formerly known as Redder21


@Redder21 That seems very understandable, and very exciting. Happy that you found a new interest in writing and a new medium, even. :) Remember to have fun!


Hi all, I'm back and ready to get back to writing. Unfortunately no more fanfic, so I'm starting on a brand new page
          However. My writing style will remain the same as my viewers can and will affect the plot. I'm starting a new spooky story right before Halloween and hope to see some of you there. Thank you for all supporting me thus far I will always remember this 
          -Midnight, Formerly known as Redder21


@Redder21 That seems very understandable, and very exciting. Happy that you found a new interest in writing and a new medium, even. :) Remember to have fun!


I don't know if people are here anymore. Frankly, om doing this so I can have closure and so the thoughts of perhaps my absence has caused hirt or death. I am okay. I know it's been years and I csn assure that I am okay. As I sit here, my husband is beside me. I am no longer the person I was. To anyone who is out there, this chapter of me is officially over. I am happy now and wish to you all the same.


            Everyone has since abandoned this app save for Me and Pen who now goes by Skyler


@Iris_363 is everyone gone? After all this time? I need to know. Are they okay? 


*Shadow information*
          Hey Red, Shadow here...
          You're friend that introduced you to Wattpad is getting worried, she texted me and I told them what you told me.
          Please try to get in contact with them, they're scared...
          Please, please, come back!


*Request from the Red Army brought to you by Thepurplepen13*
          Red, we know you probably won't read this, but please do come back, or at least tell us why you left. We're miserable without you, especially me. I can't do this all alone, I'm afraid. I miss you. We all do. Your absence pains us Redder21. Please come back to us, or at least, tell us why you had to leave, or when you could come back. I love you Reddy. ❤
          *Request complete*


Shadowknife333 reporting: Red, I know you can't talk but there's a newbie that wants to join TRA.
          From what Pen has told me, the person's name is Dew and for some reason she just started following the members of TRA
          I kinda want her to join but I might go nuts again, haha...
          So what do you think about it?
          *Report complete, Shadowknife333 out*