
The male wondered through the area, curiosity picking up as he entered the territory.  A black cloak fell over his back, the hood pulled up over his head in a way that it hid most of his features. Under it was silver hair that fell across his forehead in a shaggy way. Black eyes watched for movement as he moved easily through the area, lurking from the shadows with his hands at his side. His left hand was slightly opened, ready to summon his scythe if needed. But here, he was pretty sure he would only need it for show or to scare the woman. Which, either way, was a pretty good reason to him. His full reaper remained hidden for now, thinking he would likely be entertained more if he just suddenly  changed. But, when he changed and what his form looked like would be a mystery for now, keeping that to himself as he stopped walking. 
          This eerie silence that fell over the area didn't seem to bother him as he finally emerged from the shadows, making his presence known to anyone who was actually there. His eyes scanned the area, though his head didn't turn no more then an inch in either direction. Scenes were also heightened, helping him gauge who was where and he could tell one person was here. Hopefully, he could make them come out soon.


@Redrose117 He saw the root coming towards him and pulled back, swinging his scythe up to come in contact with the vine. He hit it with the blade, attempting to cut it in half. His portal would finally finish as he stepped in, since no move was made to stop him from making it. He heard her words as he stepped in, but remained silent, saying nothing as he vanished into the air. The only thing left behind was a small spark that lingered for a moment before drifting off into the air.


@Gravekill She wasn't surprise that he was able to get out from being sucked in to the ground. She was impressed.  Still, she admits that this man was powerful, he could be trouble. All she wanted was for him to leave her territory and live her peaceful life. The amount of strength to create a portal such as he has done must take much power, but he did it without breaking a single sweat. She was glad that he was leaving, but she didn't want him to leave without a warning. She extended her right arm towards the direction where he was standing. A root from the ground came out and wrapped around his left arm, putting force on it and getting a good grip. "Don't come back ever again. If you do..I won't hesitate on attacking you."


@Redrose117 He narrowed his eyes at her, knowing that she was going to do something. His scythe started to grow darker, a shadowy aura forming around it. He was ready for anything, and he wouldn't back down. His left hand gripped the scythe roughly, holding it as he pull it closer to him. As she took the time to smirk and turn her head to the side, he was already pulling the scythe forward. It wasn't enough force to kill her, but it would be enough to hurt her at least if she wasn't able to be quick enough. But, his pull forward stopped as he felt the ground become soft. Instantly, he lifted his scythe, the easily five feet of extra lengthen helped him as he placed the curved blade over a thick branch. 
            He pulled himself up, his cloak opened slightly, revealing his armor that fitted nicely on his body. His strength was strong as he pulled himself up, using the curved blade to swing himself away from the ground that was crumbling. As he stood on the ground again, he bend down, his right knee lowering him to the ground while his left leg bend but not as much. His left arm made a circle around him, the scythe still in his hand. A black circle started to form around in, quickly encasing him that would soon swallow him whole.