
*Wattpad needs to do something about these spam messages, omfg. I get one every day.*
          	"I read the initial chapters and would like to invite you to post content on my book app" WHAT INITIAL CHAPTERS?!?! My account is empty!! XD 
          	Stop preying on people who are passionate about writing and stop manipulating their hopes for recognition and fans, for the sake of your own personal gain!! 
          	Write your own d*mn stories, and leave my inbox alone ><


*Wattpad needs to do something about these spam messages, omfg. I get one every day.*
          "I read the initial chapters and would like to invite you to post content on my book app" WHAT INITIAL CHAPTERS?!?! My account is empty!! XD 
          Stop preying on people who are passionate about writing and stop manipulating their hopes for recognition and fans, for the sake of your own personal gain!! 
          Write your own d*mn stories, and leave my inbox alone ><


          Hey everyone! I'm doing an author take-over on the facebook group "Romance with Aliens that Look Like Aliens"!! Basically it's like a publishing party!! There will be games and a giveaway! 
          The games include a fun quiz, name generator, and two more! (C'mon, I gotta keep some element of surprise for the day of!!!)
          Make sure you request to join the facebook group AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! They have a lot of new-member-requests so it might take them a little time to hit accept on yours! Make sure you get accepted into the group on time! The instructions are at the bottom of the infographic there, or you can go to 
          --->  <---
          See you guys on the 14th! Just enough time to get the book off amazon and have it read before the party starts ;]  
          (Which btw, here's that pre-order link: )


Hey i just found out your works in progress and read Domestication. I would very much like to keep reading even en patreon. 


@sakuya2688 awe thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much you'd be willing to read it on Patreon too! 
            I've kind of hit a slight dead end with that one, and have been too focused on other projects to spare any mental energy on it. If I do have fresh uploads or Patreon content, I'll be sure to let you know!!


(continuing from previous message...)
          My wattpad followers have been my very first fans of my writing career, and your votes and views and comments do so much more for me than you'll ever know. I appreciate every one of you who reads my work and enjoys the stories I craft. That's seriously all I want out of life is to share my work and see it entertain someone else or make their day, or even just make them laugh. It means the world to me and I can't thank you guys enough <3
          All that said, let's address the elephant in the room. Covid-19. Thankfully my husband and I are perfectly healthy, but now because of the pandemic (and some personal reasons) I am contemplating leaving my full time job to work from home.
          I don't like waving my patreon account around because it seems greedy selfish and ingenuine, but in light of everything I think this is as good a time as any. 

          If you've enjoyed my work here on wattpad and would like to show your support and encouragement to me on my writing journey, please consider joining my Patreon. I offer lore insights, writing teaser/snippets, art posts, and high-rank patrons will also get one scene commission written by me, any characters/plot they would like, whether mine or theirs :] 
          If you would like to join my patrons, I will be forever grateful for your vote of confidence, even if it's just for a month or two. And if not, then wherever your journey takes you, happy reading~


Hey folks, just a quick update about this week's uploads, and my future uploads as well. 
          WATTY UPLOADS- MAR. 20
          I'm thinking this weekend's chapters are gonna end up being delayed, as I havent had the time to write and edit like I usually do through the week. I miiiight get chapter of each, or two of just one story, I'm not so sure. But I'll do what I can! Thank you for your patience and understanding! 
          NO NEW UPLOADS
          My return to wattpad was so I can have some writing out in the world (before I officially publish, that is) to show to people as an example of my work, my style, and my genre. With Stowaway, Horizons, and Unyielding uploaded, I feel I've got enough examples of my writing to achieve that goal. (Annnd I'm out of content lol this is all I've got, since I focus so much on editing so I can get these bad boys onto Amazon for real!)) So I don't think I'll be doing regular weekly uploads anymore. I have a few teaser chapters of side projects that I might toss up here just to keep content active every now and again, but once Unyielding and Domestication have finished theirs, that'll be the end of regularly-scheduled uploads so I can focus on making real progress toward publication.
          (To be continued in next message...)


Where can i find lila's full story?


@sidneyjackson7 email is


@sidneyjackson7  Hey! Thank you for the votes and for your interest! 
            New Horizons isn't up for sale quite yet, but if you're wanting to read the full story (and provide beta feedback on plot/characters) I can send you a copy right to your Kindle! Or a pdf to your email address. 
            I'll DM you with more info! Thanks again, I'm really glad you enjoyed her story thus far! :D


Hey everyone! Wanted to pop in and give a brief little update as to what to expect for this weekend's uploads: 
          I'm going to be scrapping Criticality, as there aren't a lot of views & votes for it and honestly, I myself haven't been terribly excited about writing it (so I literally just don't have new content for this weekend anyway). But if it isn't something you guys are interested in reading, then I'll put my focus elsewhere! 
          Instead, I'm going to mega-dump the first 6 scenes (so then it'll be caught up with Domestication)  of Unyielding Autumn, since it's predecessor Claimed by the Coven was one of my biggest stories on here and I'm really excited about the rewrite! 
          If you were reading Criticality and want more updates for that story, drop a comment down here so I know! I'll churn another few chapters out for ya ;]


Will you let us know when your stories are up for sale on amazon? 


I will! Thank you. I can’t wait to see what books you come up with next! 


@LindaMcLaughlin0 Yes, I will definitely put up an announcement when I get on Amazon! 
            You can also stay tuned with my updates and insights into my work desk, teasers, and stuff like that on my patreon!
            Thank you for your interest! :D