


Hello there.


@Ren12319 It’s been a hot minute (I’m like a year late to see this sorry)


People can be really petty sometimes. They will say something that is hurtful and mean and then turn back around and tell people that they hate it when others aren't compassionate. I think it's rather pathetic, honestly. 


@Ren12319 Most people have issues seeing themselves as others see them.  They either can't see their own shortfalls or blow them way out of proportion.  It's why we have coaches, counselors, and mentors in life, to get some input from a third party that is more neutral on what we're doing well and what we can improve on.  My experience is those types of people often view themselves as compassionate while not realizing how they are coming across, and usually get defensive if anyone calls them on it which makes it even harder to address.


Wanna know what's really bad?
           So, I would have aced my seven paged essay if I would have cited things correctly.
          I even asked her to check beforehand and she did.
           So I got 25 points off. 
           At least it was a 200 point essay and I did pretty decent on everything else. 
          And she had a two percent curve for the class.
           I shake my iron fist!
          She's still one of my favorite teachers; she gets my dark side.
           Thanks for reading my rant .-.
          And Summer started like a long time ago, it feels like I've already had a month of Summer. (Last day of school last Tuesday, see how I'm going? XD)


Does anyone know a way to delete all of the stories in your library at once because I have a crap ton and when I try deleting a few at once, it does not work.


I feel like a donkey hole


Oh, those donkeys, always up to those shenanigans!