
Hi good evening. As stated in my last post, i have removed my stories from Wattpad. I am not sure about my next move. But thank you so much for reading and liking my stories. Thank you.


@Reneethedreamer  Hello! Hope you're doing well. Would you ever post your stories on Wattpad again?



Good Sunday Morning...I am not sure if I even have followers or readers left on this platform anymore. If I don't I understand, these last few years I couldn't write a single word. You have no idea how upsetting that was for me. So I have made a hard decision to start over. In the next coming weeks my stories will be removed and I will start over on Patreon. I will post some of these back up as well as some new stories. For the readers who have stuck with me, THANK YOU. And I am very sorry for letting you down. Have a Great Day.


Hi I'm back!! Although I never really left. I have been reading some great stories on wattpad...I just couldn't all... I don't understand why...but that's why I haven't updated in a year. I just updated Love In Taiwan. Next will be Fireman Gabriel. Stay safe everyone. Till next time.


@Reneethedreamer  i will be very glad if you did


@Anishaad123 Hi how are you? Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm not sure how much help I will be. But I'll be glad to help anyway I can. 


@Reneethedreamer nice to have you back, please can you help me review my first book here, I only posted an overview of my book, it's my first post I really want to know the adjustment to make before I upload the next chapter, 