
{ I would like to formally apologize to anyone I had been rping with before I, well, before I disappeared. I honestly had simply gotten bored of the account and made several new ones after this one; something I did wayyy too often. Anyways, I have narrowed it down to 2-3 accounts now, please find me @moonr-se & @troglodytism . I am transferring over my ocs on here to @moonr-se }


{ I would like to formally apologize to anyone I had been rping with before I, well, before I disappeared. I honestly had simply gotten bored of the account and made several new ones after this one; something I did wayyy too often. Anyways, I have narrowed it down to 2-3 accounts now, please find me @moonr-se & @troglodytism . I am transferring over my ocs on here to @moonr-se }