
Porca troia soni tornata
          	Ho un milione di FF da continuare


⚠️Girls only⚠️
          Read it all!
          Usually I hate chain mails but this is one is cute and it works
          There are seven billion people in the world and you are one of them 
          You are special and beautiful that's why I am sending this to you
          I want good things to happen in your life so read this
          Now that you have read the beginning you can't get out of this
          You will get a new!! Phone in a year
          You'll gef crowned prom queen in highschool
          You'll get your dream pet in Christmas 
          You will become very popular
          Everyone will love you❤
          Send this to 15 people in the next 30 minutes 
          If you ignore this that means badluck for 3 years
          You will also struggle with your grades next year
          ❌this is not fake❌
          A girl ignored it last year


Uuhm non so se mi leggi ancora, ma in tal caso non sarebbe uno spam perché leggevi ff trasgre quindi *trip mentali*
          Insomma, ho pubblicato un nuovo libro comico. Se vuoi dare un'occhiata e lasciare un commento :)


Quando aggiornerai la storia su zammy?mi piacerebbe sapere cosa succede ora :) appena hai tempo ovviamente 


@ kisarablueyes  Spero il prima possibile^^ è che sono molto impegnata e non ho idee su come continuare;;