
Hi, thanks so much for adding my books, The Chosen Path, Hidden Paths, and Fork in the Road to your reading list! Please feel free to leave honest comments. I am totally open to the pointing out of grammar and spelling mistakes as well as constructive criticism of the characters and the overall story. I want to improve my writing, so please be completely honest with me. Please vote on each chapter you like. This helps get my books seen by other readers due to Wattpad’s algorithms. Thanks again!


@saltrays Hi Ezra,
          I am thoroughly enjoying the story so far, I am up-to-date at the moment, it is a very good storyline. I will definitely be sticking around to read the rest of the book. I normally don't read a book until it's complete, I will sometimes if it's an author I am familiar with.
          Keep up the good work! Your writing is intriguing so far! Waiting with a lot of anticipation as to where this book leads, i think it's quite clear atm where its leading to. 
          Good luck, with the book!
          Much love