
Hey y’all,
          	I have a new werewolf book out called ‘The Luna Trials’! 
          	Check it out if you want to read about a badass heroine who joins the trials to become the next Luna Queen. It’s definitely that type of enemies-to-lovers/ exes-to-lovers type of story too. 
          	This will be updated every Saturday! 
          	Go to my profile and check it out under my works :) 


So far I’m hooked on The Luna Trials, it’s a very interesting plot. I hope there is an update soon because I can’t wait to see how the story develops.


Thank you for reading ‘The Luna Trials’. I am still in the process of thinking how the story will develop but hope to get back on it soon :) 


happy holidays! just came on here to check if there were any updates on you & Jamison’s story & ended up finding 2 new stories you’re starting; definitely made my week a little better! I can’t wait to read becoming Luna & the Luna trials & I’m glad you’re back to writing  
          I commented a few months ago about Aella & Jude’s story & I just wanted to add that finding that story helped me start getting of this funk I’ve been in for a long while. I’m back to reading & writing & seeing you sharing your stories helped inspire me to start seriously writing. By seriously I mean at least finishing a paragraph or fleshing out characters & sharing them publicly. Before I would keep all my stories in my head or write out small poems/pieces & I didn’t think anyone would be interested in the worlds I created so I never felt a desire to actually try putting thought to paper (or word doc). I’m nowhere near a draft of a full chapter yet or half a plot, but I’m motivated to try & eventually share, even though it’s daunting. I wanted to thank you for that because sharing your world of Aella & Jude was one of the pieces that helped me get to this point :) 


Happy New Year to you! 
            Thank you so much for reading my books! I’m so grateful to have readers like you. I will be getting back to Jamison’s story soon, as well as updating the new books I have out.
            I’m so happy you liked Aella and Jude’s story. It makes me happy that I could be of help in your writing process. A start is a start, so you should be proud that you’ve written something. It is a bit daunting to share your works but you never know who’ll like it. 
            Let me know when you have a chapter up. I’m more than happy to have a read :) No pressure though! 
            Happy writing and thank you for showing interest in my books. 


Hi! Will there be an update for enforcer mine today?


Hey! I was wondering if everything is ok. You didn’t post the next chapter so I hope it’s not writers block, I really love this story. Wait with dedication for every post. Also I hope your ok life wise… please don’t feel pressured, just an update on yourself and the story would be great! 


Hey y’all,
          I have a new werewolf book out called ‘The Luna Trials’! 
          Check it out if you want to read about a badass heroine who joins the trials to become the next Luna Queen. It’s definitely that type of enemies-to-lovers/ exes-to-lovers type of story too. 
          This will be updated every Saturday! 
          Go to my profile and check it out under my works :) 


Hi! I loved prized enforcer sooo much. Ty for writing & sharing it :) I read it on yonder & had to purchase the remaining chapters on Wattpad. I found myself wanting to read it again & wishing it was longer so I ended up purchasing the rest of the book on here. Im on my 3rd time rereading it & I was curious (especially after starting pen’s story) if the reason Jamison, Jude & I think sokolov doubted Aella throughout the beginning was bc they viewed her as pen said “a pretty face” until she showed her skills? Like Jamison didn’t believe she had won against pen & that was before she met Jude so he hadn’t given the warning yet to keep her away from guys, & then Jude said how could “someone like her” have the sensing ability of the changelings? Just a random thought I had, not sure if you’re active on here anymore but thanks so much for your creative work! 


@aaamhoco No, thank you! You're quite right in that aspect. Considering they had no idea who she was, they just assumed things about her. Add in the fact that my girl Aella wasn't really forthcoming about a lot of things about herself, most people viewed her according to her looks.