
Attention to my loyal followers of this Wattpad, I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting to read my story about Max Steel to know that I was been away from this message to writing this sooner than later now. Oh yeah! If most of you guys didn’t know that I have my new story to bring the Turbo Boy back at the right time so please let me know when you can read it before I leave for the family vacation like Hamilton Island and then Central Coast to Sydney with my family and my mother’s friend too alongside the other people who were in the same place as well. But do not go to Central Coast because it’s no wifi connection between these houses on the woodlands.


Hey, so I noticed that I was brought up during a conversation between you and @williamsmaurice1354 and you guys mentioned Ghouls Or Grimm. I was wondering if you'd be willing to tell me what it was about, because I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have


@RichardThang2002 That's typically a good thing! I don't just appreciate comments on my stories, but I encourage it. In my opinion, comments are probably the most important part of my creative process because it lets me gauge interest, give background information I may not have included in the chapter, get feedback about what they do and don't wanna see going forward, and just generally interact with my readers instead of just being the guy who makes Remnant's Survivor or whatever else they may be reading from me. Also I've noticed that you yourself have been leaving some as well but, as much as I appreciate them, some of these are on threads that I commented on. So, going forward, I'm gonna save us both the trouble and give you permission to just DM me these kinda questions from now on... Wow, I didn't think I could write something that sounds so professional cookie-cutter response off the top of my head lol


@Abyss_FX I found out that few people have written comments on your story about Ghouls Or Grimm.


so can you make the legend of korra x male max steel reboot elementor reader later 


@RichardThang2002 yes you should make the legend of korra x max steel reboot Elementor male reader story and you can make another avatar the last airbender with max steel reboot Elementor male reader 


@williamsmaurice1254 So are you saying that I should make the Legend of Korra X Max Steel Reboot Elementor male reader story? I always thought it would be interesting if Max Steel and Avatar were the Last Airbender crossover since the last show is over, but a sequel to the new Avatar series comes.


Hi :3


@ RichardThang2002  i'm SO sorry to Say this But...i'm not interested in RWBY. I'm interested the art style and the characters just that. Sorry that I made you feel uncomfy. 


@TijuanaGenius01 I am so because RWBY is the best YouTube video! And I’m sorry for replying to you but it seems doesn’t work out that there’s no link to our username or everyone else’s name on your account. And you know, I am the only one who can reply to you on your account because sometimes they just reply to you and then I get the opportunity for talking to you.


@ RichardThang2002  I can tell you aré a HUGE RWBY fan


Are you re-posting comments you post it to my story because, I appreciate your feedback. It’s just it sounds like you’re reposting. I’m deleting your old comments to my storage. That’s all I’m just curious it’s no big deal I hope you’re doing well.


Thanks for following me


@TMNT2347 It's never over in my heart


@TMNT2347 You’re welcome for me to follow your account for your story because I need to know about your TMNT fanfic story wonder, and am I told you that I did had an old idea of what if Wild Kratt is going to meet with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in New York City for sure that Aviva will make the new creature power disk once when I was started on my old school? But it’s too late for me now when the 2012 TMNT series is over for a year now after the new Rise of the TMNT series is coming from Nickelodeon.